Mars UK Limited (Patent): IPO 16 Oct 2007

IPO The application relates to a foodstuff which has specific macronutrient content parameters, the macronutrients in question being protein, fat and carbohydrate, when used in a method of increasing the acceptance and enjoyment of the foodstuff to a cat.
The hearing officer found independent claims 1 and 6 to be lacking in clarity, with it not being possible to precisely determine the scope of the invention. Consequently, the hearing officer was unable to come to a definitive view regarding novelty. The application was refused.


Mrs C L Davies


[2007] UKIntelP o30407, GB 0329453.5




Patents Act 1977 1(1)(a) 14(5)(b)


England and Wales

Intellectual Property

Updated: 06 November 2022; Ref: scu.456828