Magmatic Ltd v PMS International Ltd: CA 10 Apr 2014

Post appeal assessments as to costs etc for final order.

Moses, Black, Kitchin LJJ
[2014] EWCA Civ 408
Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002
England and Wales
At PatCMagmatic Ltd v PMS International Ltd PatC 11-Jul-2013
The claimant manufactured and sold the ‘Trunki’ a child’s ride on suitcase. The defendant imported and sold a similar product. Claims were now made alleging infringement of (i) Community Registered Design, (ii) design rights in a number of designs . .
Main CAMagmatic Ltd v PMS International Ltd CA 28-Feb-2014
The parties disputed an alleged infringement of a registered design in the Trunki, a child’s suitcase designed to be ridden on, and other infringements of copyright in the packaging. PMS now appealed on the issue of whether the defendant’s Kiddee . .

Cited by:
CA OrderPMS International Group Plc v Magmatic Ltd SC 9-Mar-2016
Overall Impression of Design is a Judgment
The respondent had alleged infringement of its registered design in the ‘Trunki’, a ride-on children’s suitcase. At first instance, the judge had held that the surface decorations were to be ignored. On appeal it had been held that the judge had . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Intellectual Property, Costs

Updated: 02 December 2021; Ref: scu.523654