Laird of Blairquhan v Duncan Crawfurd: SCS 3 Jun 1549

Gif ony man makis warning to ane uther, to flit and remove fra ony landis or possessioun, and, efter the making of the samin, takis and ressavis fra him ony maillis of the samin landis, of ony termis then bypast, and exoneris and dischargis him thairof, he may not persew him to remove fra the saidis landis be resoun of the foirsaid warning: And gif he quha is warnit removis not, the maker of the warning may not call nor persew him for violent occupatioun; because, be ressaving of the maillis foirsaid, he ratyfyit and approvit him tenent, and tacite past fra the said warning

[1549] Mor 6419


Updated: 09 January 2022; Ref: scu.558107