Joe Spiteri-Sargent (Patent): IPO 9 May 2008

The application concerns an apparatus for converting ‘hydraulic energy’ into kinetic energy. It describes a reciprocating vessel submerged in a tank of water.
In an earlier decision, the Hearing Officer allowed the applicant one month to amend the application to overcome objections that the invention was not capable of industrial application, and/or was not disclosed in a manner that was clear enough and complete enough for the invention to be performed by a person skilled in the art.
Amendments were filed in the set period, but the Hearing Officer found that the amendments would have added matter to the application as filed, and could not be allowed. He therefore refused the application.


[2008] UKIntelP o13408, O/134/08



Intellectual Property

Updated: 20 October 2022; Ref: scu.457035