Independent Office for Police Conduct (Police and Criminal Justice): ICO 7 Jun 2022

The complainant requested information from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (‘IOPC’) relating to email correspondence sent or received by a number of named IOPC staff members, and a list concerning a matter about issues raised under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (‘PIDA’). The IOPC stated it can neither confirm nor deny that information is held by virtue of section 40(5B)(a)(i) of FOIA. It subsequently decided to also apply section 40(5A) (personal data of the requester) of FOIA to the request. The Commissioner’s decision is that the IOPC is entitled to rely on sections 40(5B)(a)(i) and 40(5A) of FOIA to refuse to confirm or deny that it holds the information requested. Therefore, the Commissioner does not require the IOPC to take any steps as a result of this decision.
FOI 40(5B)(a)(i): Complaint not upheld FOI 40(5a): Complaint not upheld


[2022] UKICO ic-102924




England and Wales


Updated: 30 July 2022; Ref: scu.678899