In re Burton Marsden Douglas (a Firm), Marsden and Another v Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and Others: ChD 25 Mar 2004

A solicitor had acted in the administration of an estate. His practice was merged with another, and after the merger he prepared an inflated account. He had transferred the money before the mrger. He had disappeared. The charities were residuary beneficiaries who object to the bill and sought repayment from the new partnership.
Held: The new partners were not jointly and severally liable for the debt. There had been no novation of the contract to transfer liability to the new partnership. The section could not be used to order a firm to repay money rceived.


Lloyd J


Times 25-Mar-2004


Solicitors Act 1974 71


England and Wales

Legal Professions

Updated: 27 June 2022; Ref: scu.195954