Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust, Regina v: CACD 2 Oct 2008

The Trust appealed against a sentence imposed under the 1968 Act after a staff member supplied a prescription not of the quality specified in the prescription.
Held: The fine was reduced. Where a body existed on a non-profit public service basis, and delegated its duties to properly qualified and trained staff, the court should acknowledge when imposing a fine, the potential effect on the services it provided.


Lord Justice Toulson, Mr Justice Griffith Williams and Judge Brodrick


[2008] EWCA Crim 2187, Times 10-Oct-2008, [2009] PTSR 1095, [2008] 4 All ER 1174




Medicines Act 1968 64(1)


England and Wales

Criminal Sentencing

Updated: 26 July 2022; Ref: scu.277118