Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Central Government) ic-88416: ICO 8 Mar 2022

The complainant submitted a request to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) seeking reports provided to it by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The FCDO refused to release the reports under FOIA. The complainant subsequently asked the FCDO to provide him with a copy of WHO’s request that such reports were treated confidentially. The FCDO confirmed that it held such information, but it considered this information to also be exempt from disclosure, citing the exemptions contained at the following sections of FOIA27(1)(b) to (d), 27(2) (international relations) and 40(2) personal data of FOIA. The Commissioner has concluded that the withheld information is exempt from disclosure on the basis of section 27(2) of FOIA and that in all the circumstances of the request the public interest favours maintaining the exemption.
FOI 27: Complaint not upheld


[2022] UKICO ic-88416




England and Wales


Updated: 07 December 2022; Ref: scu.674954