Dynasty Company for Oil and Gas v Trading Ltd v The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq and Another: ComC 4 Mar 2020

Application made by the second defendant for an order that, in effect, bifurcates the determination of issues concerning the jurisdiction of the court to entertain a claim brought by the claimant against the second defendant. The order sought is for an order that a hearing be limited to the determination to (i) whether the second defendant is immune from the jurisdiction of the court by reason of the State Immunity Act 1978; and (ii) whether service of the claim form on the second defendant has been effected in accordance with section 12 of the State Immunity Act 1978.


[2020] EWHC 890 (Comm)




State Immunity Act 1978 12


England and Wales


Updated: 07 December 2022; Ref: scu.651145