Dalyell v Tyer And Others: 15 Jun 1858

H the lessee of a ferry, hired from defendant, for one day, the steam tug and crew, to assist in carrying his passengers across. He received the fares : and defendants were paid by him for the hire of the tug; they sent and paid the crew. Plaintiff who had contracted with and paid H for being carried across the ferry at all times during one year, went on board the tug, from H’s pier, as a passenger, for the purpose of crossing. By the negligence of the crew some tackle broke; and plaintiff while on board, was injured. Held that he was entitled to recover against defendants for such negligence.


[1858] EngR 857, (1858) El Bl and El 899, (1858) 120 ER 744




England and Wales


Updated: 15 May 2022; Ref: scu.289328