Scoppola v Italy (No 2): ECHR 8 Jun 2011

Execution of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights


[2011] ECHR 1290




European Convention on Human Rights


Human Rights


See AlsoScoppola v Italy (No 2) ECHR 17-Sep-2009
(Grand Chamber) The applicant murdered his wife on 2 September 1999; the offence was punishable by life imprisonment. On 18 February 2000, he agreed to be tried under a summary procedure. It lacked some of the safeguards of a full trial but carried . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights, Criminal Sentencing

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.631561

Aneva and Others v Bulgaria: ECHR 6 Apr 2017

Judgment : Remainder inadmissible Violation of Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life (Article 8 – Positive obligation.) – Judgment : Preliminary objection joined to merits and dismissed (Article 35-1 – Exhaustion of domestic remedies) Violation of Article 8


66997/13, [2017] ECHR 334




European Convention on Human Rights


Human Rights

Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.582079

Swift v Secretary of State for Justice: QBD 18 Jul 2012

The Court considered a dependency claim by a person who had cohabited with the deceased for 6 months prior to death. The claim was for a declaration of incompatibility in relation to the 2 year + cohabitee provision in s.1 of the FAA which, the claimant said, discriminated against her and violated her rights under Article 8 and, alternatively, her right not to be discriminated against under Article 14 where rights within the ambit of Article 8 were engaged.
Held: The claim failed.
‘i) the claimaint had to show a direct and immediate link between the restriction on dependency claims to 2 year + cohabitees and the private or family life of the claimant. This may be shown where domestic law was in conflict with an important aspect of personal identity, or where the claim involved a most intimate aspect of private life. Family life was not involved because the claimant’s family life with the deceased was at an end. The circumstances did not show such a link with private life to enable Article 8 to be engaged.
ii) The case did not fall within the ambit of Article 8 either, for broadly the same reasons. Therefore Article 14 was not engaged.
iii) Article 14 would not have availed the claimant anyway because the fact that she fell outside the categories of permitted claimants for dependency under s.1 of the Act did not amount to a status, and Article 14 only prevents discrimination on the grounds of status (whether a status specified in Article 14 or amounting to ‘other status’).
iv) Finally, even if Articles 8 and 14 were engaged then exercising the value judgment described in Wilson referred to at [12] above, it was legitimate for Parliament to confine the liability of tortfeasors in respect of loss caused to individuals who were not the primary victims of the wrongdoing in question.


Eadt J


[2012] EWHC 2000 (QB)




England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedSmith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Another QBD 8-Sep-2016
The claimant had cohabited with the deceased: ‘The claimant seeks a declaration in one of two alternative forms:
i) Pursuant to s.3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 . . that s.1A(2)(a) of the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 . . is to be read as including . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Damages, Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462959

Sevinger v The Netherlands: ECHR 6 Sep 2007

Admissibility – the applicants challenged rejection of their request to be registered to vote, not having been resident in the respondent country for more than 10 years.


B.M. Zupancic, P


17173/07, [2007] ECHR 1207, (2008) 46 EHRR SE14




European Convention on Human Rights

Human Rights, Elections

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462861

Ali and Another, Regina (on The Application of) v Minister for The Cabinet Office The Statistics Board: Admn 13 Jul 2012

The claimants sought a declaration that section 39(4)(f) of the 2007 Act is incompatible with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Section 39(4)(f) permits disclosure by the Board of personal information and sensitive personal information provided to it in the 2011 census where the disclosure ‘is made for the purposes of a criminal investigation or criminal proceedings (whether or not in the United Kingdom)’.
Held: The claims failed.


[2012] EWHC 1943 (Admin)




Statistics and Registration Act 2007, European Convention on Human Rights


England and Wales

Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462904

Aronica v Germany: ECHR 18 Apr 2002

(Decision as to admissibility)


Caflisch P


[2002] ECHR 859, 72032/01



Cited by:

CitedHH v Deputy Prosecutor of The Italian Republic, Genoa SC 20-Jun-2012
In each case the defendant sought to resist European Extradition Warrants saying that an order would be a disporportionate interference in their human right to family life. The Court asked whether its approach as set out in Norris, had to be amended . .
CitedBH and Another v The Lord Advocate and Another SC 20-Jun-2012
The appellants wished to resist their extradition to the US to face criminal charges for drugs. As a married couple that said that the extraditions would interfere with their children’s rights to family life.
Held: The appeals against . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights, Extradition

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462857

Pontes v Portugal: ECHR 10 Apr 2012

‘The Court repeats forcefully, in such cases, the interests of the child must come before any other consideration.’


Tulkens P


19554/09 (French text), [2012] ECHR 1573




European Convention on Human Rights

Cited by:

CitedANS and Another v ML SC 11-Jul-2012
The mother opposed adoption proceedings, and argued that the provision in the 2007 Act, allowing a court to dispense with her consent, infringed her rights under Article 8 and was therefore made outwith the powers of the Scottish Parliament.
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights, Children

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462552

Re C (A Child): CA 3 Jan 2007

The court considered whether the claimant was entitled to damages after it had been found that the local authority had breached her human rights by abandoning a care plan without involving her in the decision making process.


[2007] EWCA Civ 2




England and Wales

Human Rights, Damages

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.247678

North Range Shipping Ltd v Seatrans Shipping Corporation: CA 16 Jul 2001


[2001] EWCA Civ 1260




England and Wales

Cited by:

See AlsoNorth Range Shipping Ltd v Seatrans Shipping Corporation CA 14-Mar-2002
The parties had been involved in an arbitration. The claimant sought leave to appeal. The judge refused to give leave, but did not say exactly why.
Held: Human Rights law required a right of appeal. That right could only be exercised properly . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Arbitration, Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.201270

Murray v The Parole Board Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 6 Nov 2003

The applicant had been convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. He had twice previously been released on licence and had his licence revoked. His tarriff had expired The period between reviews of his detention had been two years, but a new system of 15 month intervals was being introduced. He complained that the period between reviews was insufficently frequent, and infringed his human right.
Held: The new system was required to comply with Stafford.


Lord Justice Mummery Lord Justice Sedley Mr Justice Munby


[2003] EWCA Civ 1561, Times 12-Nov-2003, Gazette 08-Jan-2004




England and Wales


CitedStafford v The United Kingdom ECHR 28-May-2002
Grand Chamber – The appellant claimed damages for being held in prison beyond the term of his sentence. Having been released on licence from a life sentence for murder, he was re-sentenced for a cheque fraud. He was not released after the end of the . .
CitedOldham v The United Kingdom ECHR 26-Sep-2000
Where a parole board took two years to consider the applicant’s parole, this was unreasonable, and a breach of the Article 5.4 requirement to deal with such matters speedily. Accordingly the continued detention of the applicant became unlawful. The . .
CitedHirst v United Kingdom ECHR 24-Jul-2001
The applicant asserted that the delays in the reviews, undertaken by the Parole Board, of his continued detention as a discretionary life prisoner, was a breach of his right to a speedy decision. The delays were between 21 and 24 months. Such delays . .
CitedHerczegfalvy v Austria ECHR 24-Sep-1992
The applicant was detained in an institution for mentally deranged offenders. While so detained he was subjected to the forcible administration of food and neuroleptics and to handcuffing to a security bed. He complained of violation of his Article . .
CitedRegina v Parole Board, ex parte MacNeil CA 18-Apr-2001
The interval between occasions of consideration of the granting of parole to a discretionary life prisoner, was to be determined on the facts and circumstances of each prisoner. There was no rule that the maximum period between reviews was to be two . .
Appeal fromMurray, Regina (on the Application Of) v Parole Board and Another Admn 21-Feb-2003
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Prisons, Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.187563

Regina (W) v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council: Admn 13 Feb 2003

The claimant sought damages for false imprisonment. The mental health tribunal had ordered his release, but the respondent had delayed that release.
Held: False imprisonment is established on proof of imprisonment without lawful authority. An authority might commit both the tort of false imprisonment and infringe a patient’s human rights, but not all infringements of a patient’s article 5 rights would involve a breach of domestic law. It was not therefore possible to equate an infringement of article 5 with a domestic tort, and the section did not apply. The Mental Health Act should be read down so as not to protect authorities against breaches of the convention.


Stanley Burton J


Times 12-Mar-2003, [2003] EWHC 192 (Admin ), (2003) 6 CCL Rep 301




Mental Health Act 1983 139(1), European Convention on Human Rights 5 8


England and Wales


CitedJohnson v The United Kingdom ECHR 24-Oct-1997
Mr Johnson awaited trial for crimes of violence. He was diagnosed mentally ill, and on conviction made subject to a hospital order, and restricted without limit of time. He made progress, but was not discharged or re-classified. At a fourth tribunal . .
Dicta DoubtedRegina v Ealing District Health Authority, ex parte Fox 1993
A patient’s conditional discharge had been ordered by a tribunal. One of the conditions imposed by the tribunal was the appointment by the health authority of a responsible medical officer to provide psychiatric supervision of the patient in the . .
CitedRegina v Mental Health Review Tribunal; Torfaen County Borough Council and Gwent Health Authority ex parte Hall Admn 23-Apr-1999
The tribunal had ordered the conditional discharge of the patient, subject to conditions to be satisfied by the local health authority. The authority had failed to make the arrangements which would have satisfied the relevant conditions, and as a . .
CitedRegina (on the application of K) v Camden and Islington Health Authority CA 21-Feb-2001
The duty of a local authority to seek to provide resources to care for a mental patient after release into the community, is not absolute, and is subject to the limitations of the availability of a sufficient budget. A continued detention in . .
CitedRegina (IH) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Another CA 15-May-2002
The applicant was a restricted mental patient. His conditional release had been ordered, but required a consultant psychiatrist to be found who would agree to supervise him. None such could be found, and his detention continued. After two years he . .

Cited by:

Appeal fromW v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council CA 6-May-2004
The claimant had been detained by the respondent under the Act. A trubunal had ordered his release subject to proper arrangements for his support in the community. In the absence of such arrangements being made, he complained at his continued . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Torts – Other, Human Rights, Health

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.179929

Z And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 10 May 2001

Four children complained that, for years before they were taken into care by the local authority, its social services department was well aware that they were living in filthy conditions and suffering ‘appalling’ neglect in the home of their parents. Suspicions of abuse had arisen in 1987, but they were given effective support only in 1992.
Held: The claim succeeded. The state had been in breach of its duty under Article 3 to protect them against inhuman or degrading treatment. The court upheld the commission’s conclusion that the social services department had been aware that the children had been suffering such neglect as amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment and had failed to take reasonable steps to prevent its continuance: ‘The Court acknowledges the difficult and sensitive decisions facing social services and the important countervailing principle of respecting and preserving family life. The present case however leaves no doubt as to the failure of the system to protect these child applicants from serious, long-term neglect and abuse.’

Effective measures were particularly needed in the case of children and other vulnerable people. Because there was a serious doubt about the availability of a remedy through the courts, there was equally a failure to provide a remedy and accordingly a breach of Article 13. There was no breach or articles 6 or 8. Article 6(1) does not itself guarantee any particular content for civil rights and obligations in the substantive law of the Contracting States. ‘Article 6(1) extends only to contestations (disputes) over (civil) ‘rights and obligations’ which can be said, at least on arguable grounds, to be recognised under domestic law; it does not itself guarantee any particular content for (civil) ‘rights and obligations’ in the substantive law of the contracting states. It will however apply to disputes of a ‘genuine and serious nature’ concerning the actual existence of the right as well as to the scope and manner in which it is exercised.’
‘The applicants alleged that the local authority had failed to protect them from inhuman and degrading treatment contrary to Article 3 of the Convention which provides:
‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’
The Commission in its report found unanimously that there had been a violation of Article 3 of the Convention. It considered that there was a positive obligation on the Government to protect children from treatment contrary to this provision. The authorities had been aware of the serious ill-treatment and neglect suffered by the four children over a period of years at the hands of their parents and failed, despite the means reasonably available to them, to take any effective steps to bring it to an end.
The applicants requested the Court to confirm this finding of a violation.
The Government did not contest the Commission’s finding that the treatment suffered by the four applicants reached the level of severity prohibited by Article 3 and that the State failed in its positive obligation under Article 3 of the Convention to provide the applicants with adequate protection against inhuman and degrading treatment.
The Court re-iterates that Article 3 enshrines one of the most fundamental values of democratic society. It prohibits in absolute terms torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The obligation on High Contracting Parties under Article 1 of the Convention to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention, taken together with Article 3, requires States to take measures designed to ensure that individuals within their jurisdiction are not subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment, including such ill-treatment administered by private individuals (see A v the United Kingdom judgment of 23 September 1998, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-VI, para 22). These measures should provide effective protection, in particular, of children and other vulnerable persons and include reasonable steps to prevent ill-treatment of which the authorities had or ought to have had knowledge.’


Times 31-May-2001, 29392/95, [2001] 34 EHRR 97, [2001] 2 FLR 612, [2001] ECHR 329, [2001] ECHR 333, 10 BHRC 384, (2002) 34 EHRR 3, [2001] 2 FCR 246


Worldlii, Bailii, Bailii


European Convention on Human Rights 3 6 13


Human Rights


Appeal fromX (Minors) v Bedfordshire County Council; M (A Minor) and Another v Newham London Borough Council; Etc HL 29-Jun-1995
Liability in Damages on Statute Breach to be Clear
Damages were to be awarded against a Local Authority for breach of statutory duty in a care case only if the statute was clear that damages were capable of being awarded. in the ordinary case a breach of statutory duty does not, by itself, give rise . .

Cited by:

CitedRegina v G and R CACD 17-Jul-2002
The defendants were children accused of arson being reckless as to the danger of damage. They were not entitled to require the jury to consider as a separate question whether the risk of damage was obvious other than to an ordinary adult.
CitedMatthews v Ministry of Defence HL 13-Feb-2003
The claimant sought damages against the Crown, having suffered asbestosis whilst in the armed forces. He challenged the denial to him of a right of action by the 1947 Act.
Held: Human rights law did not create civil rights, but rather voided . .
CitedMcGlinchey and Others v The United Kingdom ECHR 29-Apr-2003
Hudoc Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Violation of Art. 3 ; Violation of Art. 13 ; Non-pecuniary damage – financial award
A prisoner was admitted but with a heroin addiction. Through various mistakes . .
CitedHollins v Russell etc CA 22-May-2003
Six appeals concerned a number of aspects of the new Conditional Fee Agreement.
Held: It should be normal for a CFA, redacted as necessary, to be disclosed for costs proceedings where a success fee is claimed. If a party seeks to rely on the . .
CitedWilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry; Wilson v First County Trust Ltd (No 2) HL 10-Jul-2003
The respondent appealed against a finding that the provision which made a loan agreement completely invalid for lack of compliance with the 1974 Act was itself invalid under the Human Rights Act since it deprived the respondent lender of its . .
CitedMunjaz v Mersey Care National Health Service Trust And the Secretary of State for Health, the National Association for Mental Health (Mind) Respondent interested; CA 16-Jul-2003
The claimant was a mental patient under compulsory detention, and complained that he had been subjected to periods of seclusion.
Held: The appeal succeeded. The hospital had failed to follow the appropriate Code of Practice. The Code was not . .
CitedSecretary of State for Work and Pensions v Kehoe CA 5-Mar-2004
The claimant had applied to the Child Support Agncy for maintenance. They failed utterly to obtain payment, and she complained now that she was denied the opportunity by the 1991 Act to take court proceedings herself.
Held: The denial of . .
CitedRegina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others ex parte Williamson and others HL 24-Feb-2005
The appellants were teachers in Christian schools who said that the blanket ban on corporal punishment interfered with their religious freedom. They saw moderate physical discipline as an essential part of educating children in a Christian manner. . .
CitedJD v East Berkshire Community Health NHS Trust and others HL 21-Apr-2005
Parents of children had falsely and negligently been accused of abusing their children. The children sought damages for negligence against the doctors or social workers who had made the statements supporting the actions taken. The House was asked if . .
CitedBrooks v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and others HL 21-Apr-2005
The claimant was with Stephen Lawrence when they were both attacked and Mr Lawrence killed. He claimed damages for the negligent way the police had dealt with his case, and particularly said that they had failed to assess him as a victim of crime, . .
CitedKehoe, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions HL 14-Jul-2005
The applicant contended that the 1991 Act infringed her human rights in denying her access to court to obtain maintenance for her children.
Held: The applicant had no substantive right to take part in the enforcement process in domestic law . .
CitedRegina v Ashworth Hospital Authority (Now Mersey Care National Health Service Trust) ex parte Munjaz HL 13-Oct-2005
The claimant was detained in a secure Mental Hospital. He complained at the seclusions policy applied by the hospital, saying that it departed from the Guidance issued for such policies by the Secretary of State under the Act.
Held: The House . .
CitedPlymouth City Council v HM Coroner for the County of Devon and Another Admn 27-May-2005
The local authority in whose care the deceased child had been held challenged a decision by the coroner not to limit his inquiry to the last few days of the child’s life. The coroner had decided that he had an obligation to conduct a wider enquiry . .
CitedRhondda Cynon Taff Borough Council v Watkins CA 12-Feb-2003
Land had been purchased compulsorily, but the respondent unlawfully returned to possession in 1966, and now claimed title by adverse possession. The Council executed a vesting deed poll in 1988. The Council asserted that he could not be in adverse . .
CitedC Plc and W v P and Secretary of State for the Home Office and the Attorney General ChD 26-May-2006
The claimant sought damages from the first defendant for breach of copyright. An ex parte search order had been executed, with the defendant asserting his privilege against self-incrimination. As computer disks were examined, potentially unlawful . .
CitedPierce v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council QBD 13-Dec-2007
The claimant sought damages, saying that the local authority had failed to protect him when he was a child against abuse by his parents.
Held: The claimant had been known to the authority since he was a young child, and they owed him a duty of . .
CitedRegina v G (Secretary of State for the Home Department intervening) HL 18-Jun-2008
The defendant was fifteen. He was convicted of statutory rape of a 13 year old girl, believing her to be 15. He appealed saying that as an offence of strict liability he had been denied a right to a fair trial, and also that the offence charged was . .
CitedGldani Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses Others v Georgia ECHR 3-May-2007
The applicant claimed that the police had known in advance of an attack upon the applicants by religious opponents, which he said would constitute inhuman or degrading treatment, but that they had failed to take any preventive action.
Held: . .
CitedRe E (A Child); E v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and Another (Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and others intervening) HL 12-Nov-2008
(Northern Ireland) Children had been taken to school in the face of vehement protests from Loyalists. The parents complained that the police had failed to protect them properly, since the behaviour was so bad as to amount to inhuman or degrading . .
CitedRabone and Another v Pennine Care NHS Foundation SC 8-Feb-2012
The claimant’s daughter had committed suicide whilst on home leave from a hospital where she had stayed as a voluntary patient with depression. Her admission had followed a suicide attempt. The hospital admitted negligence but denied that it owed . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Children, Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.166101

Phillips v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 28 Oct 2002

The applicants were mini-cab drivers. They challenged the regulations which prohibited the driving of commercial vehicles and vehicles for hire in the areas regulated, with the exception of black cabs, and under which they had been convicted. They claimed that this was discriminatory.
Held: The black cabs were a traditional part of the London scene, and very different. The appellants’ rights were not engaged, but even if they were, the prohibition would be proportionate.


Latham LJ, McCombe J


Times 04-Nov-2002, Gazette 28-Nov-2002, [2002] EWHC 2093 (Admin), [2003] RTR 8




Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations (1997 No 1639) 4(27)


England and Wales

Licensing, Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.177850

Vintman v Ukraine: ECHR 3 Jul 2012


28403/05 (Communicated Case), [2012] ECHR 1223




European Convention on Human Rights

Cited by:

Communicated DecisionVintman v Ukraine ECHR 23-Oct-2014
Article 8
Article 8-1
Respect for family life
Refusal to transfer prisoner to a prison nearer home so that he could receive visits from his elderly mother: violation
Facts – In his application to the European Court the . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462259

Radu v Germany: ECHR 3 Jul 2012


20084/07 (Communicated Case), [2012] ECHR 1230




European Convention on Human Rights


Human Rights

Cited by:

See AlsoRadu v Germany (Legal Summary) ECHR 16-May-2013
ECHR Article 5-1-a
After conviction
Applicant’s continued placement in psychiatric hospital after expiry of his prison term: no violation
Facts – In 1995 the applicant was convicted of homicide and . .
See AlsoRadu v Germany ECHR 16-May-2013
. .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights

Updated: 03 November 2022; Ref: scu.462224