Edgeskill Limited v HM Revenue and Customs; UTTC 27 Jan 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 38 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – MTIC fraud – (1) whether First-tier Tribunal erred in law in applying the Kittel principle as interpreted by the Court of Appeal in Mobilx – whether subsequent CJEU judgments cause that interpretation to be open to doubt – Mahageben and David; Toth; Bonik – (2) whether findings of fact or conclusions drawn by First-tier Tribunal from its findings of fact were perverse or irrational – appeal dismissed and application for reference to CJEU refused

Loughborough Students Union v HM Revenue and Customs; UTTC 21 Oct 2013

References: [2013] UKUT 517 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – exemptions – cultural services – bodies managed and administered on an essentially voluntary basis – student union governed by council – salaried sabbatical officers of executive committee as voting then non-voting members of council – whether FTT entitled to find student union not managed and administered on an essentially voluntary basis – yes

Marcus Webb Golf Professional v HM Revenue and Customs – FTC/40/2010; UTTC 23 Oct 2012

References: [2012] UKUT 378 (TCC), FTC/40/2010
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – exemption in Item 2 of Group 6, Schedule 9, VATA 1994 – whether tuition supplied by an individual teacher acting independently of an employer – relevance of principle of fiscal neutrality – appeal dismissed.
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Finance and Business Training Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs; UTTC 26 Nov 2013

References: [2013] UKUT 594 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC Value Added Tax – whether services provided by Appellant exempt under Value Added Tax Act 1994, Schedule 9, Group 6, Item 1 – whether Appellant was ‘an eligible body’ within Note (1)(b)- whether Appellant was a college or institution of the University of Wales – whether possible to be an eligible body in relation to some of the Appellant’s activities and not an eligible body in relation to the remainder of its activities
Statutes: Value Added Tax Act 1994

Eyedial v HM Revenue and Customs (FTC/89/2011); UTTC 5 Sep 2013

References: [2013] UKUT 432 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – missing trader intra-community (MTIC) fraud – extent of challenge by appellant to HMRC’s case before the First-tier Tribunal (‘FTT’) – whether certain evidence was properly admitted by the FTT – whether there was sufficient evidence to support the FTT’s finding that the appellant should have known that its transactions were connected to fraudulent evasion of VAT – held, there was – appeal dismissed

HM Revenue and Customs v Brockenhurst College; UTTC 30 Jan 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 46 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – whether supplies of catering and entertainment services to members of the public are exempt as supplies closely related to the provision of education – Sixth VAT Directive, Article 13A(1)(m); Principal VAT Directive, Article 132(1)(i) – VATA 1994, Sch 9, Group 6, Item 4
This case cites:

  • Appeal from – Brockenhurst College -v- Revenue & Customs FTTTx (Bailii, [2013] UKFTT 153 (TC))
    FTTTx Value Added Tax – Group 6 Schedule 9 VATA 1994 – Supply of Education -Whether catering and entertainment closely related supplies -Whether exempt supplies – Yes – Appeal Allowed. . .

HM Revenue and Customs v The Honourable Society of Middle Temple Ftc/45/2012; UTTC 24 May 2013

References: [2013] UKUT 250 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC Ratio VAT – grant of lease of commercial premises with provision of cold water – whether single supply of leasing of immovable property or independent supplies of property and water – single supply of immovable property – appeal allowed

Last Update: 11-May-16
Ref: 510300

Revenue and Customs v Pinevale Ltd; UTTC 7 May 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 202 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC Value Added Tax – Reduced rate supply – Energy saving materials – Insulation for roofs – Polycarbonate panels for conservatories – Panels supplied to create new roof – Panels supplied to replace existing panels – Whether energy saving materials comprising insulation for roofs – Appeal allowed – VATA 1994 Schedule 7A Group 2

Revenue and Customs v Patel; UTTC 7 Aug 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 361 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VALUE ADDED TAX – Repayment claim under DIY Builders’ and Converters’ VAT Refund Scheme – claim refused by HMRC – appeal allowed by First-tier Tribunal – whether VATA s 35 and VAT Regulations 1995 reg 201 satisfied – whether permission pursuant to s 73A Town and Country Planning Act 1990 had retrospective effect for VAT purposes – whether FTT erred in law – claim failed to meet reg 201 requirements – appeal allowed

Trade Finance Solutions and Outsourcing Ltd v Revenue and Customs; UTTC 12 May 2014

References: [2014] UKFTT 464 (TC)
Links: Bailii
Coram: Michael S Connell
UTTC VAT default surcharge – payment received by HMRC one day late – Appellant on holiday when return and VAT due which caused delay in payment – whether in the circumstances a penalty of £1,256.97 was unfair and disproportionate – no – whether reasonable excuse – no – Appeal dismissed

HMRC v SL; UTTC 19 Nov 2009

References: [2009] UKUT 244 (TCC), [2010] STC 486, [2010] BVC 1503, [2010] STI 555
Links: Bailii
UTTC ZERO-RATING – alterations to listed building – new building in the curtilage of listed building – planning permission that it ‘shall only be used for purposes either incidental or ancillary to the residential use’ of the main listed building – whether a prohibition on separate use (Note 2(c) VATA 1994 Sched 8 Group 6) – no – appeal allowed

Elida Gibbs Ltd v Commissioners Of Customs And Excise.: ECJ 24 Oct 1996

References: C-317/94, [1996] EUECJ C-317/94, [1996] STC 1387, [1996] CEC 1022, [1997] QB 499, [1997] BVC 80, [1996] ECR I-5339
Links: Bailii
(a) a manufacturer issues a money-off coupon, which is redeemable at the amount stated on the coupon by or at the expense of the manufacturer in favour of the retailer, (b) the coupon, which is distributed to a potential customer in the course of a sales promotion campaign, may be accepted by the retailer in payment for a specified item of goods, (c) the manufacturer has sold the specified item at the ‘original supplier’ s price’ direct to the retailer and (d) the retailer takes the coupon from the customer on sale of the item, presents it to the manufacturer and is paid the stated amount,
(a) the manufacturer, in the course of a promotion scheme, sells items of goods at the ‘manufacturer’ s price’ direct to a retailer, (b) a cash-back coupon for an amount stated on the packaging of those items entitles the customer, if he proves purchase of one of those items and satisfies other conditions printed on the coupon, to present the coupon to the manufacturer in return for payment of the stated amount, and (c) a customer purchases such an item from a retailer, presents the coupon to the manufacturer and is paid the stated amount, Article 11(A)(1)(a) and Article 11(C)(1) of the Sixth Directive are to be interpreted as meaning that the taxable amount serving as a basis for determination of the value added tax payable by the manufacturer is equal to the selling price charged by the manufacturer, less the amount indicated on the coupon and refunded. The same applies if the original supply is made by the manufacturer to a wholesaler rather than directly to a retailer.
That interpretation necessarily follows from the principle that the taxable amount serving as a basis for the VAT to be collected by the tax authorities cannot exceed the consideration actually paid by the final consumer which is the basis for calculating the VAT ultimately borne by him and from the principle of neutrality of the tax whereby within each country similar goods should bear the same tax burden whatever the length of the production and distribution chain.
The VAT system is not disturbed as a result of that interpretation since there is no need to readjust the taxable amount for the intermediate transactions. That amount remains unchanged since, for those transactions, observance of the principle of neutrality is ensured by application of the conditions for deduction set out in the directive, which enable the intermediate links in the distribution chain, such as wholesalers and retailers, to pay to the tax authorities only the part of the VAT representing the difference between the price paid by each to his supplier and the price at which he supplied the goods to his purchaser.

London College of Computing Ltd v HM Revenue and Customs; UTTC 16 Aug 2013

References: [2013] UKUT 404 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VAT – Exempt supplies – education – whether provided by ‘eligible body’ – whether college of a university – tests to be applied – appeal dismissed
UTTC VAT – Exempt supplies – education – whether provided by ‘eligible body’ – whether college of a university – tests to be applied – appeal dismissed

Tarafdar v Revenue and Customs; UTTC 8 Aug 2014

References: [2014] UKUT 362 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
Costs – withdrawal by HMRC of case before First-tier Tribunal – whether HMRC acted unreasonably in defending or conducting the proceedings – Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Tax Chamber) Rules 2009, rule 10(1)(b) – appellant argued that VAT assessment was fatally flawed – whether assessment made to best judgment – whether FTT erred in law in refusing appellant’s application for costs

Pierhead Purchasing Ltd v Revenue and Customs; Excs 24 Jan 2007

References: [2007] UKVAT-Excise E01014
Links: Bailii
UTTC PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Appeal – Agreement – Whether agreement which was not under section 85 or Rule 17 concluded appeal – Customs mistakenly purported to carry out statutory re-review – Offer of restoration for fee accepted – Terms not certain – No promise or consideration provided by Appellant – Held no contract – Appeal against original review not concluded – VAT Act 1994 s.85 – FA 1994 s.7(4), 15(4) and 16(4)

Khan Tandoori v HMRC FTC/78/2011; UTTC 16 Jul 2012

References: [2012] UKUT 224 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC Value Added Tax – whether assessments made in time – yes – whether First-tier Tribunal gave adequate reasons why it found that assessments made in time – yes – whether First-tier Tribunal erred in upholding centrally issued assessments showing trading below compulsory registration threshold – no – appeal dismissed

Revenue and Customs v Barkas; UTTC 15 Jan 2015

References: [2014] UKUT 558 (TCC)
Links: Bailii
UTTC VALUE ADDED TAX – zero rating – DIY residential conversion scheme – conversion of two commercial buildings on same site into live/work unit consisting of residential building and workshop/office building – whether residential building designed as a dwelling – whether planning permission description of development as live/work unit and/or condition that workshop/office only to be used/operated by occupiers of dwelling prohibited separate use or disposal of dwelling – no – appeal dismissed