C v Mirror Group Newspapers and Others: CA 21 Jun 1996

Husband and wife were involved in a custody dispute. The father made serious but false allegations to the press. She now claimed in defamation, but he relied upon limitation. She said the facts had only become known to her much later.
Held: ‘Facts relevant to cause’ referred to those facts necessary to be pleaded but not in rebuttal.


Neill, Morritt, Pill LJJ


Times 15-Jul-1996, [1996] EMLR 518, [1997] 1 FCR 556, [1996] 2 FLR 532, [1996] 4 All ER 511, [1996] Fam Law 671, [1996] EWCA Civ 1290, [1997] 1 WLR 131




Limitation Act 1980 32A


England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedCollins v Brebner CA 19-Jun-1997
The defendant solicitor appealed refusal of an order to strike out the claim. The claimant alleged breach of trust. The claimant asserted a fraudulent witholding of information to suggest that any breach of trust had happened. The defendant said . .
CitedKhader v Aziz and Another QBD 31-Jul-2009
The defendant sought to strike out a claim in defamation. Acting on behalf of his client the solicitor defendant was said to have called a journalist and defamed the claimant. The words were denied.
Held: Assuming (which was denied) that the . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Defamation, Media, Limitation

Updated: 19 May 2022; Ref: scu.78809