Boreham v Bignall; 12 Mar 1850

References: [1850] EngR 384, (1850) 8 Hare 131, (1850) 68 ER 302
Links: Commonlii
A bequest of annuity to the testator’s nephew for life, or until his bankruptcy or insolvency, and after his decease, bankruptcy or insolvency to be paid to his wife, for the personal support of herself, her husband and his children, during the life of his nephew and his wife, and the survivor of them ; and in case they, or either of them, should attempt to alienate the annuity, the trustees to be empowered to apply it towards the support of their children. The first wife of the nephew, to whom he was married before the date of the will, survived the testator, and the gift of the annuity was held not to extend to the widow of the nephew who was his second wife.