AH (Sufficiency of Protection, Sunni Extremists) Pakistan CG: IAT 31 Dec 2002

IAT ‘The Appellant is citizen of Pakistan born on 15 June 1970 who arrived in the United Kingdom on 30 March 2001 using a valid Pakistani passport and UK visa and was given six months leave to enter the United Kingdom on the usual visiting conditions. On 7 June 2001 during the currency of that lawful entry the Appellant claimed asylum and was subsequently interviewed on behalf of the Secretary of State. His wife and his daughter who had accompanied him were treated as his dependants.
For the reasons set out in a letter dated 6 August 2001 the asylum application was refused. On the same day, leave having been curtailed on the basis of deception on entry, the Secretary of State gave notice of his decision for the removal of the Appellant to Pakistan following refusal of the asylum application.’


Mr J Barnes – Chairman


[2002] UKIAT 05862




England and Wales


Updated: 01 July 2022; Ref: scu.227154