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Peakviewing (Interactive) Ltd and others v Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport: CA 28 Nov 2002

The Secretary of State had refused to grant a certifate as to a file under the 1985 Act thus disallowing certain capital allowances. The Rules said that a decision of the High Court would be final. Judges: Kennedy, Jonathan Parker LJJ Citations: [2002] EWCA Civ 1864 Links: Bailii Statutes: Films Act 1985 Sch 1, Supreme … Continue reading Peakviewing (Interactive) Ltd and others v Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport: CA 28 Nov 2002

Gladding v Channel 4 Television Corporation: CA 28 Jul 1998

The Court of Appeal was able to hear an appeal from a judge’s decision to discharge the jury, after prejudicial comments by plaintiff’s counsel in his closing address to the jury. There is a distinction from what would happen in a criminal trial, although in this case the appeal was dismissed. Citations: Gazette 16-Sep-1998, [1998] … Continue reading Gladding v Channel 4 Television Corporation: CA 28 Jul 1998

Lucasfilm Ltd and Others v Ainsworth and Another: SC 27 Jul 2011

The claimant had produced the Star War films which made use of props, in particular a ‘Stormtrooper’ helmet designed by the defendant. The defendant had then himself distributed models of the designs he had created. The appellant obtained judgment against the respondent in the US for punitive damages, but these had not been collected, and … Continue reading Lucasfilm Ltd and Others v Ainsworth and Another: SC 27 Jul 2011

Huggett v Secretary of State for the Environment Etc; Wendy Fair Markets Ltd v Same; Bello v Etc: CA 1 Mar 1995

There is no power for Court of Appeal itself to give leave to appeal after High Court’s refusal of leave on an enforcement notice. The court rejected the applicant’s submission that a High Court judge’s decision refusing permission to appeal under section 289 fell within section 16 of the 1981 Act. The Master of the … Continue reading Huggett v Secretary of State for the Environment Etc; Wendy Fair Markets Ltd v Same; Bello v Etc: CA 1 Mar 1995

Hancock and Another v Revenue and Customs: SC 22 May 2019

The taxpayers sold their shares in return for loan notes in the form of mixed qualifying (QCB) and non qualifying corporate bonds (Non-QCB) within section 115 of the 1992 Act. Gains on the disposal of QCB would be exempt from CGT. These were then converted to QCBs. The court was asked as to their chargeability … Continue reading Hancock and Another v Revenue and Customs: SC 22 May 2019