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Breckon v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 22 Aug 2007

The defendant appealed against his conviction for driving with excess alcohol. Held: There was no requirement that the prosecutor should produce the results of the roadside breath test in evidence, and the breathalyser was of the approved type. The appeal failed. Reliance had been placed on the fact that the guide to type approval relating … Continue reading Breckon v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 22 Aug 2007

Parker v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 7 Dec 2000

The irrebuttable presumption contained in the Act that the level of alcohol contained in the accused’s blood at the time when he was stopped was no less than the level measured later that the police station, was not incompatible with the defendant’s right to a fair trial. It lay ill in the mouth of a … Continue reading Parker v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 7 Dec 2000

Smith v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 30 Jan 2007

The defendant appealed his conviction for driving with excess alcohol, arguing that the prosecution had failed to provide the roadside breath test figures. Held: The appeal failed, and was indeed hopeless. Pill LJ said: ‘The specimens of breath which established whether or not a defendant has committed an offence under section 5(1) of the 1988 … Continue reading Smith v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 30 Jan 2007

Murphy v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 20 Jun 2006

The court rejected the defendant’s argument that the prosecutor should have put in evidence the results of the roadside breath test. Mitting J referred to the case of Badkin: ‘But nothing in the judgment of Glidewell LJ leads to the conclusion that in every case the prosecution must obtain from the manufacturers an analysis of … Continue reading Murphy v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 20 Jun 2006

Goldsmith v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 4 Nov 2009

The court was asked whether a defendant who pleads guilty to an offence of driving with excess alcohol contrary to section 5(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1988, and therefore admits that he was driving ‘over the limit’, can seek a Newton hearing to contest the amount by which the prosecution allege he was over … Continue reading Goldsmith v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 4 Nov 2009