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Ministry of Defence v Kemeh: EAT 11 Mar 2013

EAT JURISDICTIONAL POINTS- Agency relationshipsRACE DISCRIMINATIONDirectInjury to feelingsAccepted, in line with EAT authority, that common law agency principles apply to Race Relations Act s32(1). On that basis employer appeal against agency finding upheld and set aside.Injury to feelings award manifestly excessive and wrong in principle (see Vento). Award reduced from andpound;12,000 to andpound;6,000. Judges: Peter … Continue reading Ministry of Defence v Kemeh: EAT 11 Mar 2013

Redfearn v The United Kingdom: ECHR 6 Nov 2012

The applicant alleged that his rights had been infringed by his dismissal from his post as driver transporting children and adults with physical and/or mental disabilities. He had stood for election as a candidate for the British National Party, a party then allowing only white nationals as members. The majority of his customers and a … Continue reading Redfearn v The United Kingdom: ECHR 6 Nov 2012

Mangalore v London School of Economics and Political Science: EAT 1 Nov 2013

EAT Victimisation Discrimination – Although allegations of victimisation were made under section 27 of the Equality Act 2010 the Employment Tribunal had directed itself in terms of a comparator as if the case had been brought pursuant to section 2 of the Race Relations Act 1976. Whilst this was an apparently erroneous approach in fact … Continue reading Mangalore v London School of Economics and Political Science: EAT 1 Nov 2013

Cam v Matrix Service Development and Training Ltd (Race Discrimination): EAT 28 Aug 2013

EAT RACE DISCRIMINATION Racial harassment – Tribunal did not make a finding on the question of whether a fellow employee used the expression ‘white trash’ in his hearing, did not make findings on certain relevant aspects of section 3A of the Race Relations Act 1976 and did not deal with one aspect of the Claimant’s … Continue reading Cam v Matrix Service Development and Training Ltd (Race Discrimination): EAT 28 Aug 2013

Amnesty International v Ahmed: EAT 13 Aug 2009

amnesty_ahmedEAT2009 EAT RACE DISCRIMINATION – Direct discriminationRACE DISCRIMINATION – Indirect discriminationRACE DISCRIMINATION – Protected by s. 41UNFAIR DISMISSAL – Constructive dismissalClaimant, of (northern) Sudanese ethnic origin, applied for promotion to role of ‘Sudan researcher’ for Amnesty International – Not appointed because Amnesty believed that the appointment of a person of her ethnic origin would compromise … Continue reading Amnesty International v Ahmed: EAT 13 Aug 2009

Richmond Pharmacology v Dhaliwal: EAT 12 Feb 2009

EAT HARASSMENT: Purpose Tribunal was entitled to find that a remark made by an employer to a female employee of Indian ethnic origin referring to the possibility of her being ‘married off in India’ had the effect of violating her dignity and constituted harassment within the meaning of s. 3A of the Race Relations Act … Continue reading Richmond Pharmacology v Dhaliwal: EAT 12 Feb 2009

Malik v Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI); Mahmud v Bank of Credit and Commerce International: HL 12 Jun 1997

Allowance of Stigma Damages The employees claimed damages, saying that the way in which their employer had behaved during their employment had led to continuing losses, ‘stigma damages’ after the termination. Held: It is an implied term of any contract of employment that the employer shall not without reasonable and proper cause conduct itself in … Continue reading Malik v Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI); Mahmud v Bank of Credit and Commerce International: HL 12 Jun 1997

Depner v General Medical Council: EAT 14 Feb 2013

depner_gmcEAT2013 EAT Race Discrimination : Discrimination By Other Bodies – The Employment Judge did not err in holding that the Employment Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to hear a doctor’s claims of discrimination and victimisation made under the Race Relations Act 1976. The claims were of her suspension from registration and imposition of immediate suspension … Continue reading Depner v General Medical Council: EAT 14 Feb 2013

Chagger v Abbey National Plc and Another: CA 13 Nov 2009

The claimant appealed against the limitation of 2% placed on the uplift of his award of damages for having failed to comply with relevant dispute procedures. The tribunal had found exceptional reasons for reducing the uplift given the size of the award, and that the claim arise from a procedural failure. Held: The EAT had … Continue reading Chagger v Abbey National Plc and Another: CA 13 Nov 2009

Stevenson v Atos Origin IT Services UK Ltd: EAT 4 Apr 2012

EAT Jurisdictional Points : Working Outside The JurisdictionRACE DISCRIMINATION – Inferring discriminationA, who is British, was employed by R and in 2007 he was appointed as Chief Operating Officer for the UK. From September 2008 he was assigned to manage a programme in support of ‘small countries’ in the Group, of which R is part, … Continue reading Stevenson v Atos Origin IT Services UK Ltd: EAT 4 Apr 2012

Uddin v General Medical Council and Others: EAT 14 Feb 2013

EAT Race Discrimination : DirectDetrimentDiscrimination by other bodiesAt a pre-hearing review an Employment Judge held that the Employment Tribunal had no jurisdiction to determine a doctor’s claims of race discrimination and harassment. She held that the Medical Act 1983 and judicial review provided ‘an appeal or proceedings in the nature of an appeal’ from such … Continue reading Uddin v General Medical Council and Others: EAT 14 Feb 2013

Woodhouse v West North West Homes Leeds Ltd (Race Discrimination): EAT 5 Jun 2013

EAT RACE DISCRIMINATION – VictimisationThe judgment of this Tribunal in Martin v Devonshire Solicitors [2011] ICR 352 should not be used as a template into which to fit the factual aspects of a case in which victimisation was alleged. It related to exceptional circumstances and Employment Tribunals need to be cautious about regarding features such … Continue reading Woodhouse v West North West Homes Leeds Ltd (Race Discrimination): EAT 5 Jun 2013


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Igboaka v The Royal College of Pathologists: EAT 3 Dec 2009

EAT RACE DISCRIMINATION: Discrimination by other bodiesPRACTICE and PROCEDURE: CostsClaims brought under ss12 and 13 Race Relations Act 1976. Properly struck out by Employment Tribunal under Rule 18(7)(b) as having no reasonable prospect of success.Costs of aborted EAT hearing to be paid by Appellant who was wholly responsible for those wasted costs. Citations: [2009] UKEAT … Continue reading Igboaka v The Royal College of Pathologists: EAT 3 Dec 2009

Balamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing: CA 14 May 2001

The applicant sought leave to appeal against a decision disallowing his complaint at his claim for race discrimination being struck out as scandalous, frivolous or vexatious. He said that the Tribunal had dismissed his claim without giving him opportunity to present the facts on which it was based. Held: Given the decision on Roffey, the … Continue reading Balamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing: CA 14 May 2001

De Souza v Automobile Association: CA 19 Dec 1985

The claimant appealed against a finding that there had been no race discrimation in her case. She had overheard a manager refer to her as ‘the wog’. She said that this was sufficient to mean that she suffered a detriment. The employer replied that the word detriment shouldbe looked at not by the effect on … Continue reading De Souza v Automobile Association: CA 19 Dec 1985

Barton v Investec Henderson Crosthwaite Securities Ltd: EAT 6 Mar 2003

EAT Sex Discrimination – Inferring DiscriminationThe claimant sought compenstion for sex discrimination. She appealed a finding of a material factor justifying the difference in pay. Held: The new provisions included reference to the Code of Practice issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission, which provided that the employer should provide a transparent system for setting pay … Continue reading Barton v Investec Henderson Crosthwaite Securities Ltd: EAT 6 Mar 2003

Oyarce v Cheshire County Council: CA 2 May 2008

The court was asked as to whether the provisions for the reversal of the burden of proof in discrimination cases was limited to findings of discrimination or extended also to issues of victimisation, and as to whether section 5A had properly incorporated the European Directive. Held: The test in section 54A and in Igen v … Continue reading Oyarce v Cheshire County Council: CA 2 May 2008

Fosh v Cardiff University: EAT 23 Jan 2008

The professor had sought time off to represent another lecturer claiming race discrimination against the University. The University said that her behaviour created a conflict of interest with the University. She continued and herself claimed victimisation. After the case failed, she was herself suspended, and her email account searched from which further disciplinary charges were … Continue reading Fosh v Cardiff University: EAT 23 Jan 2008

Serco Ltd v Redfearn: CA 25 May 2006

The employee claimed that he had been discriminated against. He had stood as a candidate in local elections for the British National Party (BNP) party. His employers had dismissed him saying that his propagation of racially discriminatory polices was incompatible with his duties. Held: The dismissal was not on racially discriminatory grounds, though considerations of … Continue reading Serco Ltd v Redfearn: CA 25 May 2006

Laing Limited v Yassin Essa: CA 21 Jan 2004

The claimant had been awarded damages for race discrimination. The employer appealed. Held: In a claim for damages under the 1976 Act, it was not necessary to show that the damage suffered was reasonably forseeable.Pill LJ said: ‘I see no need to superimpose the requirement or prerequisite of reasonable foreseeability upon the statutory tort in … Continue reading Laing Limited v Yassin Essa: CA 21 Jan 2004

Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

EAT Unfair Dismissal – CompensationIn each case, The employee sought additional damages for non-economic loss after an unfair dismissal. Held: The Act could be compared with the Discrimination Acts which explicitly awarded damages for hurt feelings. Clear authority lay against such awards in unfair dismissal cases. An Employment Tribunal considering a claim for damages for … Continue reading Dunnachie v Kingston Upon Hull City Council; Williams v Southampton Institute; Dawson v Stonham Housing Association: EAT 8 Apr 2003

Vento v The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (No 2): CA 20 Dec 2002

The claimant had been awarded damages for sex discrimination, including a sum of andpound;25,000 for injury to feelings. The respondent appealed. Held: The Court of Appeal looked to see whether there had been an error of law in the employment tribunal decision. It did not look to see whether the Employment Appeal Tribunal had erred … Continue reading Vento v The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (No 2): CA 20 Dec 2002

Mcdonagh (Sued on Her Own Behalf and on Behalf of All Other Members of the Labour Party) v Z Ali H S Sohal: EAT 10 Apr 2000

The applicants were suspended from membership of the Labour party. As a result they were unable to stand for election as councillors. They alleged racial discrimination. Held: The position as councillor fell within the Act, and the claim for discrimination had been properly allowed. The Act should be interpreted sufficiently widely to provide a remedy … Continue reading Mcdonagh (Sued on Her Own Behalf and on Behalf of All Other Members of the Labour Party) v Z Ali H S Sohal: EAT 10 Apr 2000

Crofton v Yeboah: EAT 16 May 2001

After a very long hearing, the appellant had been found guilty of race discrimination in his making of allegations about the behaviour of the respondent in failing to investigate corruption within Hackney London Borough Council. Held: The first instance tribunal had failed to take account of evidence offered by the appellant to a degree which … Continue reading Crofton v Yeboah: EAT 16 May 2001

Hounga v Allen and Another: SC 30 Jul 2014

The appellant, of Nigerian origin had been brought here at the age of 14 with false identity papers, and was put to work caring for the respondent’s children. In 2008 she was dismissed and ejected from the house. She brought proceedings alleging racial discrimination, but the only element of her claim which succeeded was of … Continue reading Hounga v Allen and Another: SC 30 Jul 2014

The Law Society v Kamlesh Bahl: EAT 7 Jul 2003

EAT Sex Discrimination – DirectThe complainant had been suspended from her position as Vice President of the Law Society. The Society and its officers appealed findings of sex and race discrimination against her. The complainant appealed findings that she had lied to the tribunal on oath, and that the discrimination had been only indirect. Held: … Continue reading The Law Society v Kamlesh Bahl: EAT 7 Jul 2003

Balamoody v Manchester Health Authority: EAT 2 Mar 1999

The claimant appealed against orders striking out his complaint of unlawful racial discrimination. He had owned a nursing home regulated by the respondent authority. A senior white employee had broken regulations regarding safekeeping of drugs, but he as owner had been prosecuted and struck off. She had not. The home registration was then cancelled. He … Continue reading Balamoody v Manchester Health Authority: EAT 2 Mar 1999

Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

In each case the local authority sought to recover possession of its own land. In the Lambeth case, they asserted this right as against an overstaying former tenant, and in the Leeds case as against gypsies. In each case the occupiers said that the recovery of possession interfered with their right respect for their family … Continue reading Kay and Another v London Borough of Lambeth and others; Leeds City Council v Price and others and others: HL 8 Mar 2006

Miller v The College of Policing: CA 20 Dec 2021

Hate-Incident Guidance Inflexible and Unlawful The central issue raised in the appeal is the lawfulness of certain parts of a document entitled the Hate Crime Operational Guidance (the Guidance). The Guidance, issued in 2014 by the College of Policing (the College), the respondent to this appeal, sets out the national policy in relation to the … Continue reading Miller v The College of Policing: CA 20 Dec 2021

Tariq v The Home Office: EAT 16 Oct 2009

EAT PRACTICE AND PROCEDUREDisclosureHUMAN RIGHTS(1) The procedure sanctioned by rule 54 of the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure, and by the Employment Tribunals (National Security) Rules of Procedure, is not incompatible with a claimant’s right under Art. 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights to a fair hearing of his claim for discrimination, or … Continue reading Tariq v The Home Office: EAT 16 Oct 2009

Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

Discrimination – History of interactions relevant When a tribunal considered whether the motive for an act was discriminatory, it should look not just at the act, but should make allowance for earlier acts which might throw more light on the act in question. The Tribunal should assess the totality of the evidence on any material … Continue reading Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

Strathclyde Regional Council v Zafar; Zafar v Glasgow City Council: HL 16 Oct 1997

The absence of any other explanation for the unfair dismissal of a black worker, does not of itself and inescapably lead to finding of race bias, or racial discrimination. He had been dismissed following complaints of sexual harassment, later found to be unsupported. The tribunal reasoned that the dismissal was to be presumed to be … Continue reading Strathclyde Regional Council v Zafar; Zafar v Glasgow City Council: HL 16 Oct 1997

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Same Sex Partner Entitled to tenancy Succession The protected tenant had died. His same-sex partner sought a statutory inheritance of the tenancy. Held: His appeal succeeded. The Fitzpatrick case referred to the position before the 1998 Act: ‘Discriminatory law undermines the rule of law because it is the antithesis of fairness. It brings the law … Continue reading Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Igen Ltd v Wong: CA 18 Feb 2005

Proving Discrimination – Two Stage Process Each appeal raised procedural issues in discrimination cases, asking where, under the new regulations, the burden of proof had shifted. Held: The new situation required a two stage process before a complaint could be upheld. First the claimant had to establish facts allowing the tribunal to conclude, in the … Continue reading Igen Ltd v Wong: CA 18 Feb 2005

King v Great Britain China Centre: CA 1991

The court considered the nature of evidence which will be available to tribunals considering a race discrimination claim. Held: A complainant must prove his or her case on the balance of probabilities, but it is unusual to find direct evidence of racial discrimination, and a case will usually depend on what inferences can properly be … Continue reading King v Great Britain China Centre: CA 1991

Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v Khan: HL 11 Oct 2001

The claimant was a police sergeant. After many years he had not been promoted. He began proceedings for race discrimination. Whilst those were in course, he applied for a post elsewhere. That force wrote to his own requesting a reference. In the light of the discrimination claim, they were advised not to reply for fear … Continue reading Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police v Khan: HL 11 Oct 2001

Regina v Rimmington; Regina v Goldstein: HL 21 Jul 2005

Common Law – Public Nuisance – Extent The House considered the elements of the common law offence of public nuisance. One defendant faced accusations of having sent racially offensive materials to individuals. The second was accused of sending an envelope including salt to a friend as a joke. The envelope had leaked causing a terrorist … Continue reading Regina v Rimmington; Regina v Goldstein: HL 21 Jul 2005

E, Regina (on The Application of) v Governing Body of JFS and Another: SC 16 Dec 2009

E complained that his exclusion from admission to the school had been racially discriminatory. The school applied an Orthodox Jewish religious test which did not count him as Jewish because of his family history. Held: The school’s appeal failed. English law may be at fault because it made no allowance for any justification of direct … Continue reading E, Regina (on The Application of) v Governing Body of JFS and Another: SC 16 Dec 2009

Regina v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and another, ex parte European Roma Rights Centre and others: HL 9 Dec 2004

Extension oh Human Rights Beyond Borders The appellants complained that the system set up by the respondent where Home Office officers were placed in Prague airport to pre-vet applicants for asylum from Romania were dsicriminatory in that substantially more gypsies were refused entry than others, and that it was contrary to the obligations of the … Continue reading Regina v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and another, ex parte European Roma Rights Centre and others: HL 9 Dec 2004

Gentle, Regina (on the Application of) and Another v The Prime Minister and Another: HL 9 Apr 2008

The appellants were mothers of two servicemen who had died whilst on active service in Iraq. They appealed refusal to grant a public inquiry. There had already been coroners inquests. They said that Article 2 had been infringed. Held: The appeal was dismissed. The right to an inquiry was procedural and depended first on the … Continue reading Gentle, Regina (on the Application of) and Another v The Prime Minister and Another: HL 9 Apr 2008

Balamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting: CA 6 Dec 2001

The claimant had been struck from the register of nurses after convictions arising from failures of his staff at his nursing home with regard to drug management. He had then brought claims of unlawful race discrimination against the health authority and against the respondent. Those claims had been dismissed as frivolous, no valid comparator having … Continue reading Balamoody v United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting: CA 6 Dec 2001