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Molins Plc v G D Spa: ChD 24 Feb 2000

In a dispute between an Italian company and British one, each sought to have the case heard in its own country. The British company asserted that the case begun in Italy had been begun after at best misrepresentation by the other company, and sought an injunction preventing its being heard in Italy. The UK court … Continue reading Molins Plc v G D Spa: ChD 24 Feb 2000

Payabi and Another v Armstel Shipping Corporation and Another: QBD 1 Apr 1992

A party had been wrongly added in breach of limitation under Hague Convention. There should have been no relation back. Hobhouse J considered the effect of the 1980 Act: ‘But it is clear that Ord. 20, r. 5 must now be read with the [1980] Act and is implicitly (but inelegantly) giving effect to the … Continue reading Payabi and Another v Armstel Shipping Corporation and Another: QBD 1 Apr 1992