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Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

The appeal concerns the disclosure, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA’), of staff survey reports addressing very small units within the civil service. The requested reports relate to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (‘AAIB’), a unit within the Department for Transport (`the Appellant’ of `DfT’) and, within the AAIB, those pertaining to … Continue reading Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

Department for Work and Pensions v The Information Commissioner and Another: CA 27 Jul 2016

The applicant sought disclosure of certain organisations who had provided placements for those seeking work. They said that in the past disclosure had led to adverse publicity for those organisations, and refused disclosure under the department’s commercial interests and those of the organisations involved. The Department now appealed from a decision that the qualified exemption … Continue reading Department for Work and Pensions v The Information Commissioner and Another: CA 27 Jul 2016

Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Exemption under FOIA s36(2)(c) – prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs – late claim – opinion of qualified person formed after time when request was dealth with – whether evidence of authorisation of qualified person pursuant to FOIA s36(5)(o) – Exemption under FOIA s43 – prejudice to commercial interests – meaning of ‘commercial … Continue reading Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Department of Finance and Personnel Ni (Decision Notice): ICO 29 Nov 2006

ICO The complainant requested information from the Department of Finance and Personnel Northern Ireland relating to the work sample test for a promotion competition. The Department withheld the information, relying on the exemptions under sections 36(2)(c) and 29(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Commissioner is satisfied that the requested information is exempt … Continue reading Department of Finance and Personnel Ni (Decision Notice): ICO 29 Nov 2006

Student Loans Company Ltd (Decision Notice): ICO 9 Dec 2010

The complainant requested the database manual associated with the software used by the Student Loans Company (SLC) for monitoring repayment data. In response, The SLC stated that it did not hold a database manual but confirmed that information relating to its CLASS software system was retained in a data dictionary and specifications. The SLC, however, … Continue reading Student Loans Company Ltd (Decision Notice): ICO 9 Dec 2010

East Riding of Yorkshire Council (Local Government): ICO 11 Mar 2021

The complainant has requested all minutes relating to meetings involving the ‘East Yorkshire Parent Carer Forum’ and East Riding of Yorkshire Council from a period of over two years. The Council stated that the entirety of this information was withheld under the exemption provided by section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The … Continue reading East Riding of Yorkshire Council (Local Government): ICO 11 Mar 2021

South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Jan 2014

The complainant has requested the last five sets of minutes of the SCOT meetings. The South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (the Trust) refused to provide the requested information under section 36(2)(b)(i) and (ii) and section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The Commissioner’s decision is that the Trust has correctly … Continue reading South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Jan 2014

Ofcom (Decision Notice): ICO 6 Jan 2014

ICO The complainant has requested a copy of the information provided by Ofcom to the Home Office in response to its request for business cases for access to communications data. Ofcom refused to provide the requested information under section 36(2)(b)(i) and (ii) and section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The Commissioner’s … Continue reading Ofcom (Decision Notice): ICO 6 Jan 2014

University of Greenwich (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

The complainant requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the ‘Act’) the workplace email addresses of all of the public authority’s staff. The public authority confirmed that it held the information, but believed that it was exempt. It argued that the request may be invalid by virtue of section 8, but in the event … Continue reading University of Greenwich (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

Kingston University (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

The complainant requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the ‘Act’) all of the workplace email addresses of the University’s staff. The University confirmed that it held the information, but believed that it was exempt. It argued that the information was exempt by virtue of section 40(2) [third party personal data]. The complainant requested … Continue reading Kingston University (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

Cabinet Office (Decision Notice) FS50085720: ICO 22 Dec 2009

ICO The complainant asked the public authority for a copy of the Cabinet Office’s Manual of Protective Security. The public authority provided some sections of the Manual but withheld other parts, citing the exemptions contained in sections 21(1), 23(1), 24(1), 27(1)(a), 31 and 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’). After the … Continue reading Cabinet Office (Decision Notice) FS50085720: ICO 22 Dec 2009

Manchester Metropolitan University (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

The complainant requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the ‘Act’) the workplace email addresses of all of the University’s staff. The University confirmed that it held the information, but believed that it was exempt. It argued that the information was already available on its website and explained that section 21(1) [information reasonable accessible … Continue reading Manchester Metropolitan University (Decision Notice): ICO 26 May 2011

Suffolk County Council (Decision Notice): ICO 29 Jun 2011

ICO The complainant made a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to Suffolk County Council for a copy of the Combined Aerial Rescue Pump Report. The council refused to disclose this information and applied section 40(2), section 41 and section 43(2). During the course of the Commissioner’s investigation the council withdrew its application … Continue reading Suffolk County Council (Decision Notice): ICO 29 Jun 2011

Cabinet Office (Central Government) FS50611073: ICO 3 Apr 2017

ICO The complainant requested information relating to the Independent Commission on Freedom of Information (the Commission). The Cabinet Office denied holding information for one part of the complainant’s request. For the other requests, it refused to disclose the relevant information because it was third party personal data under section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information … Continue reading Cabinet Office (Central Government) FS50611073: ICO 3 Apr 2017

Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Nhs Trust (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Jun 2007

The complainant requested information about the Local Awards Committee, in relation to an application he had made for a Clinical Excellence Award. By way of background, the Local Awards Committee assesses applications for these awards, and the members of the Committee score each of the candidates. The complainant specifically requested the identities of the Committee … Continue reading Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Nhs Trust (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Jun 2007

Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 18 Mar 2008

ICO The Commissioner’s decision in this matter is that the Department of Health (the ‘Department’) did not deal with the complainant’s request in accordance with Part I of the Act in that it failed to comply with its obligations under section 1(1). The Commissioner found that the Department incorrectly applied the exemptions under sections 36(2)(c), … Continue reading Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 18 Mar 2008

Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 15 Apr 2008

ICO The complainant requested a report from the public authority that it had prepared on the charging of overseas visitors for treatment received under the NHS. Initially the public authority refused to disclose any of the report. However, it subsequently decided to release the report but withheld the names of the NHS Trusts which provided … Continue reading Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 15 Apr 2008

Merton London Borough Council (Decision Notice): ICO 24 Aug 2010

The complainant requested information from the London Borough of Merton (the Council) concerning proposals to make certain roles within the Council redundant. The Council initially refused to provide any information citing the exemptions under section 40(2) and 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the FOIA). In relation to the latter exemption, it concluded … Continue reading Merton London Borough Council (Decision Notice): ICO 24 Aug 2010

Department of Health (Decision Notice) FS50185270: ICO 1 Mar 2010

ICO The complainant requested various pieces of information regarding communication with HM Treasury in relation to the 2002 Spending Review. Specifically, the complainant requested the Bid Letter from the Department of Health, the Settlement Letter from HM Treasury, and the internal advice provided in relation to the Bid Letter. The DoH refused to disclose this … Continue reading Department of Health (Decision Notice) FS50185270: ICO 1 Mar 2010

Department for Work and Pensions (Decision Notice): ICO 23 Aug 2011

ICO The complainant requested the geographical equivalent number(s) behind a 0845 number under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The public authority confirmed that it held the information, but that it would not provide it because it felt that section 36(2)(c) [disclosure would prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs] applied to the information. It … Continue reading Department for Work and Pensions (Decision Notice): ICO 23 Aug 2011

Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 7 Jan 2013

ICO The complainant has requested from the Department of Health (DoH) copies of papers put before the NHS Operations Executive. The Commissioner considers that disclosure of the requested information engages section 36(2)(b) but that, in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption is outweighed by the public interest in disclosure. He finds … Continue reading Department of Health (Decision Notice): ICO 7 Jan 2013

Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Decision Notice): ICO 1 May 2014

ICO The complainant has requested a copy of the ‘Contemporaneous Notes’ taken during the Finance Inspection of a named residential care home in 2012 and 2013. The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) refused to provide the requested information under section 36(2)(b)(i) and (ii) and section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). … Continue reading Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Decision Notice): ICO 1 May 2014

Department for Education (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Feb 2014

The complainant has requested information about two free schools based in Chester. The Department for Education (DfE) refused to provide the requested information under section 36(2)(b)(ii), 36(2)(c), 40(2) and 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The Commissioner’s decision is that the DfE has correctly applied section 40(2) FOIA but incorrectly applied section … Continue reading Department for Education (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Feb 2014

Department for Work and Pensions (Decision Notice) FS50511375: ICO 7 Jan 2014

The complainant has requested telephone numbers for all DWP Contact Centres in England and Benefit centre for Worcester and Wolverhampton Jobcentre Plus Direct Line numbers. The DWP refused to provide the requested information under section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The Commissioner’s decision is that the DWP has correctly applied section … Continue reading Department for Work and Pensions (Decision Notice) FS50511375: ICO 7 Jan 2014