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Accession of The European Union to the European Convention for The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: ECJ 18 Dec 2014

ECJ (Opinion of the full court) Opinion pursuant to Article 218(11) TFEU – Draft international agreement – Accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms – Compatibility of the draft agreement with the EU and FEU TreatiesHeld: ‘The agreement on the accession of the European … Continue reading Accession of The European Union to the European Convention for The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: ECJ 18 Dec 2014

Accession Of The European Union To The European Convention For The Protection Of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms: ECJ 13 Jun 2014

ECJ (View Of Advocate General Kokott) Conclusion of international agreements by the European Union – Accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) – Preservation of the specific characteristics of the European Union and EU law – Maintaining the competences of the European Union … Continue reading Accession Of The European Union To The European Convention For The Protection Of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms: ECJ 13 Jun 2014

AMM and Others (Conflict; Humanitarian Crisis; Returnees; FGM) Somalia CG: UTIAC 28 Nov 2011

UTIAC 1) Whilst section 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998 and its associated case law requires United Kingdom tribunals in general to give effect to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, including that Court’s guidance on how to approach evidence in international protection cases, the weighing of evidence and the drawing … Continue reading AMM and Others (Conflict; Humanitarian Crisis; Returnees; FGM) Somalia CG: UTIAC 28 Nov 2011

In re D (A Child), (Abduction: Rights of Custody): HL 16 Nov 2006

The child had been born to parents who married and later divorced in Romania. The mother brought him to England without the father’s consent, and now appealed an order for his return. Held: The mother’s appeal succeeded. The Convention required an order to be made for the return of a child only where the parent … Continue reading In re D (A Child), (Abduction: Rights of Custody): HL 16 Nov 2006

AS (Sufficiency of Protection) Lithuania CG: IAT 19 Jul 2002

IAT The Secretary of State appealed against a decision of an Adjudicator dismissing an asylum claim by the Respondent, a citizen of Lithuania, but allowed her claim under the European Convention on Human Rights, finding that there was a real risk that to send her back to Lithuania would expose her to inhuman treatment which … Continue reading AS (Sufficiency of Protection) Lithuania CG: IAT 19 Jul 2002

Ruiz Zambrano (European Citizenship): ECJ 30 Sep 2010

ECJ Opinion – Articles 18, 20 and 21 TFEU – Fundamental rights as general principles of European Union law – Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – European citizenship – Unemployment benefits – Child with the nationality of a Member State – Right of residence of parents who are … Continue reading Ruiz Zambrano (European Citizenship): ECJ 30 Sep 2010

Youth Initiative For Human Rights v Serbia: ECHR 25 Jun 2013

Article 10-1 Freedom to receive information Refusal to allow a non-governmental organisation access to intelligence information despite a binding decision directing disclosure: violation Facts – The applicant was a non-governmental organisation which monitored the implementation of transitional laws with a view to ensuring respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In October … Continue reading Youth Initiative For Human Rights v Serbia: ECHR 25 Jun 2013

Child X (Residence and Contact- Rights of Media Attendance) (Rev 2): FD 14 Jul 2009

The father applied to the court to have the media excluded from the hearing into the residence and contact claims relating to his daughter. Held: It was for the party seeking such an order to justify it. In deciding whether or not to exclude the press in the welfare or privacy interests of a party … Continue reading Child X (Residence and Contact- Rights of Media Attendance) (Rev 2): FD 14 Jul 2009

Regina v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and another, ex parte European Roma Rights Centre and others: HL 9 Dec 2004

Extension oh Human Rights Beyond Borders The appellants complained that the system set up by the respondent where Home Office officers were placed in Prague airport to pre-vet applicants for asylum from Romania were dsicriminatory in that substantially more gypsies were refused entry than others, and that it was contrary to the obligations of the … Continue reading Regina v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and another, ex parte European Roma Rights Centre and others: HL 9 Dec 2004

European Air Transport v College d’Environnement de la Region de Bruxelles-Capitale: ECJ 17 Feb 2011

ECJ (Opinion) Air transport – Directive 2002/30/EC – Definition of ‘operating restrictions’ – Noise limits at source which must be observed when overflying built-up areas near an airport – Possibility of adopting national rules based on noise levels measured on the ground – Relationship with Directive 2002/49/EC – Convention on International Civil Aviation – Fundamental … Continue reading European Air Transport v College d’Environnement de la Region de Bruxelles-Capitale: ECJ 17 Feb 2011

County Properties Limited v The Scottish Ministers for Judicial Review: IHCS 16 Aug 2001

Judges: Lord Prosser and Lord Kirkwood and Lord Mackay of Drumadoon Citations: [2001] ScotCS 206, [2001] ScotHC 87 Links: Bailii, Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Protection of Human Rights Jurisdiction: Scotland Citing: Appeal from – County Properties Limited v The Scottish Ministers OHCS 25-Jul-2000 The company applied for planning permission. The Secretary of State called … Continue reading County Properties Limited v The Scottish Ministers for Judicial Review: IHCS 16 Aug 2001

Millicom Service UK Ltd and Others v Clifford: EAT 11 May 2022

Practice and procedure – rule 50(1) schedule 1 of the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2013 The respondents made an application under rule 50(1) schedule 1 of the Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) Regulations 2013 (‘the ET Rules’) to prohibit the disclosure of information relating to specified matters on the … Continue reading Millicom Service UK Ltd and Others v Clifford: EAT 11 May 2022

Stanley v London Borough of Tower Hamlets: QBD 26 Jun 2020

The Claimant sued the Council for breach of the Data Protection Act 1998, breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), breach of confidence, misuse of private information, and breach of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Disclosure of medical records to attendees of child protection conference. Defendant’s application for … Continue reading Stanley v London Borough of Tower Hamlets: QBD 26 Jun 2020

QD and AH (Iraq) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 24 Jun 2009

Judges: Sedley, Longmore, Maurice Kay LJJ Citations: [2009] EWCA Civ 620, [2009] INLR 514, [2010] Imm AR 132, C5/2008/1706, C5/2009/0251 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights 2 3, Directive 2004/83/EC Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Examined – Elgafaji and Elgafaji v Staatssecretaris van Justitie ECJ 17-Feb-2009 Europa (Grand Chamber) Directive 2004/83/EC – Minimum … Continue reading QD and AH (Iraq) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 24 Jun 2009

Regina v The Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Another ex parte Rajendrakumar: CA 11 Oct 1995

The three Tamil applicants had left the area of Sri Lanka controlled by the Tamil Tigers and gone to live in Colombo. It was asserted that in Colombo they had a well-founded fear of persecution because they were young male Tamils and were therefore subject to security round-ups of such people which occurred when the … Continue reading Regina v The Immigration Appeal Tribunal and Another ex parte Rajendrakumar: CA 11 Oct 1995

Sepet and Bulbil v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 20 Mar 2003

The appellants sought asylum. They were Kurdish pacifists, and claimed that they would be forced into the armed forces on pain of imprisonment if they were returned to Turkey. Held: The concept of ‘persecution’ was central. It is necessary to investigate whether the treatment which the applicants reasonably fear would infringe a recognised human right. … Continue reading Sepet and Bulbil v Secretary of State for the Home Department: HL 20 Mar 2003

Alasgarov And Others v Azerbaijan: ECHR 10 Nov 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fifth Section Citations: 32088/11, [2022] ECHR 980 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 20 December 2022; Ref: scu.682593

Oneryildiz v Turkey: ECHR 18 Jun 2002

(Grand Chamber) The applicant had lived with his family in a slum bordering on a municipal house-hold refuse tip. A methane explosion at the tip resulted in a landslide which engulfed the applicant’s house, killing his close relatives. The applicant claimed that the local authorities were responsible for the accident at the tip and for … Continue reading Oneryildiz v Turkey: ECHR 18 Jun 2002

Aquilina v Malta: ECHR 9 Jun 2020

ECHR Judgment : Protection of property : Third Section ECHR Judgment : Protection of property : Third Section Citations: 40246/18, [2020] ECHR 409, [2020] ECHR 426 Links: Bailii, Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 07 December 2022; Ref: scu.651302

Regina v Governor of Pentonville Prison, Ex parte Fernandez: Fernandez v Government of Singapore: HL 1971

Test for police protection need The court considered the degree of risk to an individual which should give rise to a duty on the police to protect him under article 2. Held: Lord Diplock said: ‘My Lords, bearing in mind the relative gravity of the consequences of the court’s expectation being falsified either in one … Continue reading Regina v Governor of Pentonville Prison, Ex parte Fernandez: Fernandez v Government of Singapore: HL 1971

Regina v Chief Constable of Norfolk, ex parte DF: Admn 2002

Test for need for police protection The court considered the duties of the police to protect the applicants. Held: The search for a phrase which encapsulates a threshold of risk which engages article 2 is a search for a chimera. The degree of risk described as ‘real and immediate’ in Osman . . as used … Continue reading Regina v Chief Constable of Norfolk, ex parte DF: Admn 2002

Le Compte, Van Leuven And De Meyere v Belgium: ECHR 23 Jun 1981

Hudoc The Court was faced with a disciplinary sanction imposed on doctors which resulted in their suspension for periods between 6 weeks and 3 months: ‘Unlike certain other disciplinary sanctions that might have been imposed on the applicants (warning, censure and reprimand . .), the suspension of which they complained undoubtedly constituted a direct and … Continue reading Le Compte, Van Leuven And De Meyere v Belgium: ECHR 23 Jun 1981

Ferrazzini v Italy: ECHR 12 Jul 2001

(Grand Chamber) The court had to decide whether tax proceedings brought by the state against an individual involved the determination of a civil right within the meaning of article 6(1). It was argued by the Government that the existence of an individual’s tax obligation to pay tax belonged exclusively to the realm of public law … Continue reading Ferrazzini v Italy: ECHR 12 Jul 2001

Nesic v Montenegro: ECHR 9 Jun 2020

ECHR Judgment : Protection of property : Second Section ECHR Judgment : Protection of property : Second Section Citations: 12131/18, [2020] ECHR 408, [2020] ECHR 425 Links: Bailii, Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 06 December 2022; Ref: scu.651331

Bagvanov And Others v Azerbaijan: ECHR 10 Nov 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fifth Section Committee Citations: 77919/11, [2022] ECHR 952 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 06 December 2022; Ref: scu.682597

B v Romania (No 2): ECHR 19 Feb 2013

ECHR Article 8Positive obligationsArticle 8-1Respect for family lifeRespect for private lifeLack of adequate legal protection in a case concerning a mother’s committal to a psychiatric institution and the placement of her children in care: violationsFacts – The applicant was assisted by the social services from 1996 onwards, having been classified as a disabled person unfit … Continue reading B v Romania (No 2): ECHR 19 Feb 2013

Garcia Mateos v Spain: ECHR 19 Feb 2013

ECHR Article 14DiscriminationFailure to enforce a judgment acknowledging gender discrimination against a working mother: violationFacts – In February 2003, relying on the labour regulations, the applicant asked her employer for a reduction in her working hours as she had custody of her son, who was under the six-year age-limit. When her employer refused, she brought … Continue reading Garcia Mateos v Spain: ECHR 19 Feb 2013

Neij And Sunde Kolmisoppi v Sweden: ECHR 19 Feb 2013

ECHR Article 10-1Freedom to impart informationFreedom to receive informationConviction and order to pay damages for operating website allowing third parties to share files in breach of copyright: inadmissibleFacts – During 2005 and 2006 the two applicants were involved in different aspects of one of the world’s largest file sharing services on the Internet, the website … Continue reading Neij And Sunde Kolmisoppi v Sweden: ECHR 19 Feb 2013

The Karibu Foundation v Norway: ECHR 10 Nov 2022

ECHR Judgment : No Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fifth Section Citations: 2317/20, [2022] ECHR 982 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 05 December 2022; Ref: scu.682608

Keena And Kennedy v Ireland (Dec): ECHR 30 Sep 2014

ECHR Article 10-1 Freedom to impart information Freedom to receive information Award of costs against journalists for destroying evidence in order to protect their sources: inadmissible Facts – The first applicant was a correspondent on and the second applicant the editor of the Irish Times. In 2006 the newspaper published an article containing references to … Continue reading Keena And Kennedy v Ireland (Dec): ECHR 30 Sep 2014

O’Connell, Regina (on the Application of) v The Parole Board and Another: Admn 13 Nov 2007

Fundamental issues as to the function and status of the Parole Board. It does so in the context of a challenge to the decision of the Board on the 18th July 2006 refusing to direct the claimant’s release on licence under section 247 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (the 2003 Act). The challenge was … Continue reading O’Connell, Regina (on the Application of) v The Parole Board and Another: Admn 13 Nov 2007

Juncal, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and others: Admn 19 Dec 2007

The claimant sought damages, saying that he had been unlawfully detained when found unfit to plead in 1997. Held: The claim failed. (a) The 1964 Act, and its Scottish equivalent, did not authorise anything that was arbitrary. (b) It followed that Parliament did not, by the 1986 Order, pass subordinate legislation which authorised arbitrary detention … Continue reading Juncal, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department and others: Admn 19 Dec 2007

Nikolay Kostadinov v Bulgaria: ECHR 8 Nov 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fourth Section Citations: 21743/15, [2022] ECHR 936 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 04 December 2022; Ref: scu.682624

Leander v Sweden: ECHR 26 Mar 1987

Mr Leander had been refused employment at a museum located on a naval base, having been assessed as a security risk on the basis of information stored on a register maintained by State security services that had not been disclosed him. Mr Leander complained that he should have been provided with the information in question, … Continue reading Leander v Sweden: ECHR 26 Mar 1987

Regina v Advertising Standards Authority Ltd Ex Parte Vernons Organisation Ltd: QBD 9 Dec 1992

An injunction was not granted to restrain the publication of a decision of the ASA pending the result of a challenge by way of Judicial Review. There is a general principle in our law that the expression of opinion and the conveyance of information will not be restrained by the courts save on pressing grounds. … Continue reading Regina v Advertising Standards Authority Ltd Ex Parte Vernons Organisation Ltd: QBD 9 Dec 1992

Identoba And Others v Georgia: ECHR 12 May 2015

ECHR Article 3 Positive obligations State’s failure to protect demonstrators from homophobic violence: violation Article 14 Discrimination State’s failure to investigate homophobic motives behind violence during demonstration: violation Facts – The applicants were a non-governmental organisation set up to promote and protect the rights of LGBT people in Georgia, and 14 individuals. On 17 May … Continue reading Identoba And Others v Georgia: ECHR 12 May 2015

Gogitidze And Others v Georgia: ECHR 12 May 2015

ECHR Article 1 para. 2 of Protocol No. 1 Control of the use of property Forfeiture of a civil servant’s wrongfully acquired property as part of domestic anti-corruption measures: no violation Facts – In 2004 the first applicant, a former government minister, was charged with abuse of authority and extortion. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of … Continue reading Gogitidze And Others v Georgia: ECHR 12 May 2015

Warren, Regina (on the Application of) v Her Majesty’s Assistant Coroner for Northamptonshire: Admn 29 Apr 2008

The deceased had committed suicide in his prison cell. Prison officers were charged with manslaughter by gross neglect, but they were discharged. The applicant sought now to challenge the refusal of the coroner to allow to be called to give evidence a psychiatrist who had provided a report to the family’s solicitors. The coroner felt … Continue reading Warren, Regina (on the Application of) v Her Majesty’s Assistant Coroner for Northamptonshire: Admn 29 Apr 2008

JR38, Re Application for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland): SC 1 Jul 2015

The appellant was now 18 years old. In July 2010 two newspapers published an image of him. He was at that time barely 14 years old. These photographs had been published by the newspapers at the request of the police. The publication of the appellant’s photographs and those of others who had been involved in … Continue reading JR38, Re Application for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland): SC 1 Jul 2015

Palau Martinez v France: ECHR 16 Dec 2003

A decision of the French court that the children should live with their father, and not with their Jehovah’s Witness mother, was based decisively on its view of the mother’s religious practices and was discriminatory; although the protection of the children was a legitimate aim, there was, in the view of the Strasbourg court, no … Continue reading Palau Martinez v France: ECHR 16 Dec 2003

Murray v Big Pictures (UK) Ltd; Murray v Express Newspapers: CA 7 May 2008

The claimant, a famous writer, complained on behalf of her infant son that he had been photographed in a public street with her, and that the photograph had later been published in a national newspaper. She appealed an order striking out her claim on the basis that the child did not have a right of … Continue reading Murray v Big Pictures (UK) Ltd; Murray v Express Newspapers: CA 7 May 2008

Reynolds TD v Times Newspapers Ltd; Ruddock and Witherow: CA 8 Jul 1998

The claimant, the former Taoiseach of Ireland sought damages after the defendant newspaper published an article falsely accusing him of duplicity. The paper said that his position meant that they should have the defence of quaified privilege available. Held: Qualified privilege defence applied in defamation proceedings reporting acts of public officials where there appeared a … Continue reading Reynolds TD v Times Newspapers Ltd; Ruddock and Witherow: CA 8 Jul 1998

Sukran Aydin And Others v Turkey: ECHR 22 Jan 2013

ECHR Article 10-1Freedom of expressionConviction for having spoken non-official language during election campaigns: violationArticle 46Article 46-2Execution of judgmentMeasures of a general characterRespondent State required to reform the system of judicial disciplineFacts – The applicants, candidates in parliamentary and municipal elections, were convicted and sentenced to prison terms and fines for having spoken Kurdish during rallies, … Continue reading Sukran Aydin And Others v Turkey: ECHR 22 Jan 2013

Eweida And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 15 Jan 2013

ECHR Article 9-1 Manifest religion or belief Disciplinary measures against employees for wearing religious symbols (cross) at work or refusing to perform duties they considered incompatible with their religious beliefs: violation; no violations Article 14 Discrimination Disciplinary measures against employees for wearing religious symbols (cross) at work or refusing to perform duties they considered incompatible … Continue reading Eweida And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 15 Jan 2013

AK and L v Croatia: ECHR 8 Jan 2013

ECHR Article 8-1 Respect for family life Authorities’ failure to ensure legal representation of mentally disabled applicant in proceedings divesting her of parental rights and to inform her of adoption proceedings in respect of her son: violation Facts – The first applicant is the mother of the second applicant L., who was born in 2008. … Continue reading AK and L v Croatia: ECHR 8 Jan 2013

Ismail v Secretary of State for Home Department: Admn 26 Mar 2013

The court was asked as to the extent of the Secretary of State’s discretion and obligation to consider a person’s Article 6 rights when requested personally to serve a judgment of an overseas court pursuant to a request for mutual legal assistance from the government of the country of that overseas court. The Claimant said … Continue reading Ismail v Secretary of State for Home Department: Admn 26 Mar 2013

Ignatova v Bulgaria: ECHR 18 Oct 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fourth Section Committee Citations: 39954/19, [2022] ECHR 904 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 14 November 2022; Ref: scu.681858

Rocknroll v News Group Newspapers Ltd: ChD 17 Jan 2013

The claimant sought an order to restrain the defendant from publishing embarrassing photographs taken at a private party. He had taken an assignment of the copyright from the photographer. Held: The court considered whether the extent to which the images or similar images of the claimants have appeared already in the public domain was relevant.A … Continue reading Rocknroll v News Group Newspapers Ltd: ChD 17 Jan 2013

Enea v Italy: ECHR 17 Sep 2009

(Grand Chamber) The applicant, a prisoner serving a long sentence for Mafia-type criminal offences, was subjected to a special regime by ministerial decrees. The restrictions included not only very limited family visits but also a long period (seemingly about three years) in a special form of high-security unit which involved separation from prisoners in other … Continue reading Enea v Italy: ECHR 17 Sep 2009

X v Finland: ECHR 3 Jul 2012

ECHR Article 8-1 Respect for private life Forced administration of therapeutic drugs in mental institution: violation Article 5 Article 5-1-e Persons of unsound mind Forced confinement in a mental institution: violationFacts – The applicant, a paediatrician, was arrested in October 2004 in connection with criminal proceedings that had been brought against her after she allegedly … Continue reading X v Finland: ECHR 3 Jul 2012

Sengul And Others v Turkiye: ECHR 18 Oct 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Second Section Committee Citations: 10596/13, [2022] ECHR 898 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 12 November 2022; Ref: scu.681864

Moamer v Bulgaria: ECHR 18 Oct 2022

ECHR Judgment : Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property : Fourth Section Committee Citations: 40124/19, [2022] ECHR 897 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 07 November 2022; Ref: scu.681860

Van Colle v The United Kingdom: ECHR 13 Nov 2012

Judges: Lech Garlicki, P Citations: 7678/09 – HEJUD, [2012] ECHR 1928, (2013) 56 EHRR 23 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Citing: See Also – Van Colle v Hertfordshire Police QBD 10-Mar-2006 The claimants claimed for the estate of their murdered son. He had been waiting to give evidence in … Continue reading Van Colle v The United Kingdom: ECHR 13 Nov 2012

Volchkova and Mironov v Russia: ECHR 28 Mar 2017

Judgment : Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Protection of property (Article 1 para. 1 of Protocol No. 1 – Deprivation of property ECHR Judgment : Pecuniary damage – award : Third Section Citations: 45668/05, [2017] ECHR 278, [2021] ECHR 184 Links: Bailii, Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human … Continue reading Volchkova and Mironov v Russia: ECHR 28 Mar 2017

Al-Dulimi and Montana Management In. v Switzerland (Legal Summary): ECHR 26 Nov 2013

Article 6 Civil proceedings Article 6-1 Access to court Lack of right of appeal against sanctions imposed on applicants on basis of UN Security Council resolutions: violation Facts – The first applicant is an Iraqi national who lives in Jordan and manages a company incorporated under Panamanian law and based in Panama (the second applicant). … Continue reading Al-Dulimi and Montana Management In. v Switzerland (Legal Summary): ECHR 26 Nov 2013

Ahmad And Aswat v United Kingdom: ECHR 10 Jul 2007

(Statement of Facts) To resist an extradition application to America to stand trial on various federal charges, the appellants claimed that if they were extradited there was a real prospect that they would be made subject to a determination by the President that would have the effect that they be detained indefinitely and/or that they … Continue reading Ahmad And Aswat v United Kingdom: ECHR 10 Jul 2007

AAA v Associated Newspapers Ltd: QBD 25 Jul 2012

The claimant child sought damages and an injunction from and against the defendant newspapers, alleging harassment and breach of her privacy. At times there had been as many as ten reporters encamped outside her house. Judges: Nicola Davies J Citations: [2012] EWHC 2103 (QB), [2013] EMLR 2 Links: Bailii Statutes: Protection from Harassment Act 1997, … Continue reading AAA v Associated Newspapers Ltd: QBD 25 Jul 2012

Hari Dhima v Immigration Appeal Tribunal: Admn 8 Feb 2002

The appellate sought judicial review to challenge an order for his return to Albania. He said that he would be subject to persecution from communist sympathizers, and his life was at risk for a blood feud. Adjudicators had variously accepted and rejected both claims, but concluded that he could avail himself of internal flight. He … Continue reading Hari Dhima v Immigration Appeal Tribunal: Admn 8 Feb 2002

Z And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 10 May 2001

Four children complained that, for years before they were taken into care by the local authority, its social services department was well aware that they were living in filthy conditions and suffering ‘appalling’ neglect in the home of their parents. Suspicions of abuse had arisen in 1987, but they were given effective support only in … Continue reading Z And Others v The United Kingdom: ECHR 10 May 2001

Veniosov v Ukraine: ECHR 15 Dec 2011

Citations: 30634/05, [2011] ECHR 2130 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Cited by: Cited – Faulkner, Regina (on The Application of) v Secretary of State for Justice and Another SC 1-May-2013 The applicants had each been given a life sentence, but having served the minimum term had been due to have the continued … Continue reading Veniosov v Ukraine: ECHR 15 Dec 2011

P-B (a Minor) (child cases: hearings in open court): CA 20 Jun 1996

The applicant sought to have his application for a residence order heard in open court: ‘Article 6 (1) provides for the public hearing and the public pronouncement of judgment of cases, but with the proviso of exclusion of the press and the public from all or part of the trial ‘in the interest of morals, … Continue reading P-B (a Minor) (child cases: hearings in open court): CA 20 Jun 1996