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Laverty v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Department for Employment and Learning, Firecrest NI Ltd: NIIT 19 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claims against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd and against Firecrest NI Ltd are not well-founded and accordingly each of those claims is dismissed. (B) The respondent Department (‘the Department’) is not liable to make a payment to the claimant in respect of redundancy pursuant to Article 201 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order … Continue reading Laverty v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Department for Employment and Learning, Firecrest NI Ltd: NIIT 19 Oct 2011

Murray v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claimant’s redundancy payment claim against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd is not well-founded and accordingly it is dismissed. (B) I am satisfied that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment of andpound;2,220 from Firecrest (NI) Ltd. (C) Pursuant to Article 205 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (‘the 1996 Order’), I … Continue reading Murray v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

Taggart v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claimant’s redundancy payment claim against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd is not well-founded and accordingly it is dismissed. (B) I am satisfied that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment of andpound;4,625 from Firecrest (NI) Ltd. (C) Pursuant to Article 205 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (‘the 1996 Order’), I … Continue reading Taggart v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

Jordan v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claimant’s redundancy payment claim against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd is not well-founded and accordingly it is dismissed. (B) I am satisfied that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment of andpound;3,188 from Firecrest (NI) Ltd. (C) Pursuant to Article 205 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (‘the 1996 Order’), I … Continue reading Jordan v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (NI) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

Catney v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (Ni) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claimant’s redundancy payment claim against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd is not well-founded and accordingly it is dismissed. (B) I am satisfied that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment of andpound;1,665 from Firecrest (NI) Ltd. (C) Pursuant to Article 205 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (‘the 1996 Order’), I … Continue reading Catney v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd Firecrest (Ni) Ltd Department for Employment and Learning: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

Clarke v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

NIIT (A) The claimant’s redundancy payment claim against Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd is not well-founded and accordingly it is dismissed. (B) I am satisfied that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment of andpound;8,550 from Firecrest (NI) Ltd. (C) Pursuant to Article 205 of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (‘the 1996 Order’), I … Continue reading Clarke v Firecrest Compartmentation Ltd: NIIT 7 Oct 2011

Secretary of State for Justice v Slee: EAT 19 Jul 2007

EAT Unfair Dismissal – Constructive dismissalMaternity Rights and Parental Leave – Sex discriminationThe Claimant was employed as a Magistrates’ Clerk and she brought successful claims to the Employment Tribunal that:(a) Ms Slee (‘the Claimant’) had been constructively unfairly dismissed by The Department for Constitutional Affairs (‘the Respondent’);(b) The Respondent had failed to offer to the … Continue reading Secretary of State for Justice v Slee: EAT 19 Jul 2007

Regina v Ministry of Defence ex parte Smith; ex parte Grady: CA 3 Nov 1995

Four appellants challenged the policy of the ministry to discharge homosexuals from the armed services. Held: Where a measure affects fundamental rights or has profoundly intrusive effects, the courts will anxiously scrutinise the decision to introduce it.Sir Thomas Bingham MR said: ‘The court may not interfere with the exercise of an administrative discretion on substantive … Continue reading Regina v Ministry of Defence ex parte Smith; ex parte Grady: CA 3 Nov 1995

Tweed v Parades Commission for Northern Ireland: HL 13 Dec 2006

(Northern Ireland) The applicant sought judicial review of a decision not to disclose documents held by the respondent to him saying that the refusal was disproportionate and infringed his human rights. The respondents said that the documents were provided on an assurance of confidentiality. Held: Disclosure rules are different in judicial review proceedings since such … Continue reading Tweed v Parades Commission for Northern Ireland: HL 13 Dec 2006

Columba Toner v NWIFHE: NIIT 18 Nov 2002

Citations: [2002] NIIT 848 – 02 Links: Bailii Statutes: Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 55 Jurisdiction: Northern Ireland Employment Updated: 04 July 2022; Ref: scu.237201

Perceval-Price, and others v Department of Economic Development etc: CANI 12 Apr 2000

A full-time a full-time chairman of industrial tribunals, a full time chairman of social security appeal tribunals, and a social security commissioner are workers within the meaning of the European legislation, even though, by domestic legislation they were statutory officers, and so excluded from protection. The word ‘worker’ has a special community meaning, and it … Continue reading Perceval-Price, and others v Department of Economic Development etc: CANI 12 Apr 2000

Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

The asylum applicant challenged a certificate given by the respondent that the claim for asylum was manifestly ill-founded. The respondent had made a mistake in applying the appropriate policy, but had sought to correct the error. The claimants asserted that a legitimate expectation had been created. Held: The abiding principle which underpins the legitimate expectation … Continue reading Regina (Nadarajah) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abdi v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 22 Nov 2005

Regina v Department of Education and Employment ex parte Begbie: CA 20 Aug 1999

A statement made by a politician as to his intentions on a particular matter if elected could not create a legitimate expectation as regards the delivery of the promise after elected, even where the promise would directly affect individuals, and the costs of a child’s education. Any consequences of a failure to keep a promise … Continue reading Regina v Department of Education and Employment ex parte Begbie: CA 20 Aug 1999

Finucane, Re Application for Judicial Review: SC 27 Feb 2019

(Northern Ireland) The deceased solicitor was murdered in his home in 1989, allegedly by loyalists. They had never been identified, though collusion between security forces and a loyalist paramilitary was established. The ECHR and a judge led inquiry had said that a proper investigation was required. A promised inquiry under the 2005 Act was objected … Continue reading Finucane, Re Application for Judicial Review: SC 27 Feb 2019

Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Transgender Male to Female not to marry as Female The parties had gone through a form of marriage, but Mrs B had previously undergone gender re-assignment surgery. Section 11(c) of the 1973 Act required a marriage to be between a male and a female. It was argued that the section was incompatible with the claimant’s … Continue reading Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SCS 8 Jan 2010

The claimant sought to challenge the validity of the 2009 Act by judicial review. The Act would make their insured and themselves liable to very substantial unanticipated claims for damages for pleural plaques which would not previousl or otherwise have amounted to personal injury. Pleural plaques are physical changes in the pleura, detectable radiologically as … Continue reading AXA General Insurance Ltd and Others v Lord Advocate and Others: SCS 8 Jan 2010

Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Same Sex Partner Entitled to tenancy Succession The protected tenant had died. His same-sex partner sought a statutory inheritance of the tenancy. Held: His appeal succeeded. The Fitzpatrick case referred to the position before the 1998 Act: ‘Discriminatory law undermines the rule of law because it is the antithesis of fairness. It brings the law … Continue reading Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza: HL 21 Jun 2004

Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd: SC 18 Mar 2015

The claimant’s husband had been lost from the defendant’s ship at sea. The defendant had contracted to pay compensation unless the loss was by suicide. They so determined. The court was now asked whether that was a permissible conclusion in the circumstances: ‘This case raises two inter-linked questions of principle, one general and one particular. … Continue reading Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd: SC 18 Mar 2015

Regina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others ex parte Williamson and others: HL 24 Feb 2005

The appellants were teachers in Christian schools who said that the blanket ban on corporal punishment interfered with their religious freedom. They saw moderate physical discipline as an essential part of educating children in a Christian manner. Held: The appeal was dismissed. For Article 9 to be engaged (aside from certain other threshold conditions) the … Continue reading Regina v Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others ex parte Williamson and others: HL 24 Feb 2005

Amwell View School v Dogherty: EAT 15 Sep 2006

amwell_dogherty The claimant had secretly recorded the disciplinary hearings and also the deliberations of the disciplinary panel after their retirement. The tribunal had at a case management hearing admitted the recordings as evidence, and the defendant appealed, saying also that it had been disclosed too late. Held: The evidence contained in the recordings was relevant … Continue reading Amwell View School v Dogherty: EAT 15 Sep 2006

McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

The administrators gave employees of the company notice of termination of their employment. Then administrators refused consent under para 43(6) to actions against the company in the Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunal for protective awards, unfair dismissal, breach of contract and otherwise. The claims were issued anyway, and the administrators argued that they were a nullity, … Continue reading McCartney and Unite The Union and Another v Nortel Networks UK Ltd (In Administration): ChD 22 Apr 2010

Marper v United Kingdom; S v United Kingdom: ECHR 4 Dec 2008

(Grand Chamber) The applicants complained that on being arrested on suspicion of offences, samples of their DNA had been taken, but then despite being released without conviction, the samples had retained on the Police database. Held: (Unanimous) The retention was unlawful. Though other member states retained some DNA samples in certain conditions, the UK was … Continue reading Marper v United Kingdom; S v United Kingdom: ECHR 4 Dec 2008

S, Regina (on Application of) v South Yorkshire Police; Regina v Chief Constable of Yorkshire Police ex parte Marper: HL 22 Jul 2004

Police Retention of Suspects DNA and Fingerprints The claimants complained that their fingerprints and DNA records taken on arrest had been retained after discharge before trial, saying the retention of the samples infringed their right to private life. Held: The parts of DNA used for testing are not generally capable of revealing medical information about … Continue reading S, Regina (on Application of) v South Yorkshire Police; Regina v Chief Constable of Yorkshire Police ex parte Marper: HL 22 Jul 2004

Goodwin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 11 Jul 2002

The claimant was a post operative male to female trans-sexual. She claimed that her human rights were infringed when she was still treated as a man for National Insurance contributions purposes, where she continued to make payments after the age at which a woman would have ceased payments thus causing harassment. A second claimant again … Continue reading Goodwin v The United Kingdom: ECHR 11 Jul 2002

Murray and Another v Foyle Meats Ltd (Northern Ireland): HL 8 Jul 1999

The company decided to make redundancies. The applicants, all selected, had worked in more than one section of the plant. All employees worked under the same contract, but employees were chosen only from the one section. The complainants said that the entire workforce should have been considered. Held: Under the Order it was for the … Continue reading Murray and Another v Foyle Meats Ltd (Northern Ireland): HL 8 Jul 1999

Swiggs and others v Nagarajan: HL 15 Jul 1999

Bias may not be intentional The applicant claimed that he had been denied appointment to a job with London Regional Transport because he had brought a number of previous race discrimination claims against it or associated companies. An industrial tribunal had upheld his claim of victimisation contrary to section 2(1) of the 1976 Act, finding … Continue reading Swiggs and others v Nagarajan: HL 15 Jul 1999

Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

The student, a Muslim wished to wear a full Islamic dress, the jilbab, but this was not consistent with the school’s uniform policy. She complained that this interfered with her right to express her religion. Held: The school’s appeal succeeded. The school had acted responsibly and carefully seeking to balance and respect several interests when … Continue reading Begum (otherwise SB), Regina (on the Application of) v Denbigh High School: HL 22 Mar 2006

NT 1 and NT 2 v Google Llc: QBD 13 Apr 2018

Right to be Forgotten is not absolute The two claimants separately had criminal convictions from years before. They objected to the defendant indexing third party web pages which included personal data in the form of information about those convictions, which were now spent. The claims were in Data Protection and the common law tort of … Continue reading NT 1 and NT 2 v Google Llc: QBD 13 Apr 2018

Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005

One claimant said that as a foreign resident pensioner, she had been excluded from the annual uprating of state retirement pension, and that this was an infringement of her human rights. Another complained at the lower levels of job-seeker’s allowance payable to those under 25. Held: (Lord Carswell dissented in part.) The claims failed. The … Continue reading Carson, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions; Reynolds v Same: HL 26 May 2005


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