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Earnshaw and Others v Hartley: CA 31 Mar 1999

An administrator de son tort, who was also a beneficiary, held the estate property on trust, and so could not establish adverse possession against the estate during the period of trusteeship. He held a sufficient interest in the assets already. A delay in the application for the grant did not apply where time had not … Continue reading Earnshaw and Others v Hartley: CA 31 Mar 1999

First National Tricity Finance Ltd v OT Computers Ltd; In re OT Computers Ltd (in administration): CA 25 May 2004

The company had gone into liquidation. They had sold consumer policies as extended warranties on behalf of the claimant. The company had insured its own joint liability under the contracts, and the claimant sought information from the company’s administrators to assist it identifying who might else be liable. Held: The claimant could rely upon the … Continue reading First National Tricity Finance Ltd v OT Computers Ltd; In re OT Computers Ltd (in administration): CA 25 May 2004


1267 – 1278 – 1285 – 1297 – 1361 – 1449 – 1491 – 1533 – 1677 – 1688 – 1689 – 1700 – 1706 – 1710 – 1730 – 1737 – 1738 – 1751 – 1774 – 1792 – 1793 – 1804 – 1814 – 1819 – 1824 – 1828 – 1831 – 1832 … Continue reading Acts

Dunning v United Liverpool Hospitals’ Board of Governors: CA 1973

Mrs D had been treated at hospital, and sought release of her records to establish whether she had any basis for a claim in negligence. The court considered whether an application under section 31 of the 1970 Act for pre-action discovery had been properly made. Given the delay, the court was asked whether a claim … Continue reading Dunning v United Liverpool Hospitals’ Board of Governors: CA 1973

Stanton and Another v Callaghan and Others: CA 8 Jul 1998

The defendant, a structural engineer, was retained by the plaintiffs in a claim against insurers for the costs of remedying subsidence of the plaintiffs’ house. He advised total underpinning for pounds 77,000, but later while preparing a joint report with the insurers’ expert witness, he was persuaded to agree that infilling with polystyrene, at a … Continue reading Stanton and Another v Callaghan and Others: CA 8 Jul 1998

Marley v Rawlings and Another: SC 22 Jan 2014

A husband and wife had each executed the will which had been prepared for the other, owing to an oversight on the part of their solicitor; the question which arose was whether the will of the husband, who died after his wife, was valid. The parties disputed whether the will have been validly executed, and … Continue reading Marley v Rawlings and Another: SC 22 Jan 2014

O and others (Children); In re O (Children), In re W-R (a Child), In re W (Children): CA 22 Jun 2005

In each case litigants in person had sought to be allowed to have the assistance and services of a Mackenzie friend in children cases. In one case, the court had not allowed confidential documents to be disclosed to the friend. Held: The courts had been unhelpful to the parties appearing before them. If given access … Continue reading O and others (Children); In re O (Children), In re W-R (a Child), In re W (Children): CA 22 Jun 2005

Meadow v General Medical Council: Admn 17 Feb 2006

The appellant challenged being struck off the medical register. He had given expert evidence in a criminal case which was found misleading and to have contributed to a wrongful conviction for murder. Held: The evidence though mistaken was given in good faith and the penalty was disproportionate and was set aside. The evidence which had … Continue reading Meadow v General Medical Council: Admn 17 Feb 2006

Kelly (A Minor) v British Broadcasting Corporation: FD 25 Jul 2000

K, aged 16, had left home to join what was said to be a religious sect. His whereabouts were unknown. He had been made a ward of court and the Official Solicitor was appointed to represent his interests. He had sent messages to say that he was well and did not wish to return. The … Continue reading Kelly (A Minor) v British Broadcasting Corporation: FD 25 Jul 2000

Bradley v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd: HL 1989

Mrs Bradley was employed by Dart Mill several times from 1933 and 1970 and acquired byssinosis from inhaling cotton dust. The company was wound up in 1975 and dissolved in 1976. In 1984 she applied to the court for pre-action disclosure under section 33(2) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 and RSC Ord. 24 rule … Continue reading Bradley v Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd: HL 1989

Gorringe v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1 Apr 2004

Statutory Duty Not Extended by Common Law The claimant sought damages after a road accident. The driver came over the crest of a hill and hit a bus. The road was not marked with any warning as to the need to slow down. Held: The claim failed. The duty could not be extended to include … Continue reading Gorringe v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council: HL 1 Apr 2004

Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Transgender Male to Female not to marry as Female The parties had gone through a form of marriage, but Mrs B had previously undergone gender re-assignment surgery. Section 11(c) of the 1973 Act required a marriage to be between a male and a female. It was argued that the section was incompatible with the claimant’s … Continue reading Bellinger v Bellinger: HL 10 Apr 2003

Walker v Geo H Medlicott and Son (a Firm): CA 19 Nov 1998

The claimant said that the defendant solicitor had negligently failed to include in the will a specific devise of property in his favour. Held: A beneficiary who alleged negligent failure of a will draftsman to include a gift to him in a will should first establish whether rectification of the will was available, and only … Continue reading Walker v Geo H Medlicott and Son (a Firm): CA 19 Nov 1998

Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

Discrimination – History of interactions relevant When a tribunal considered whether the motive for an act was discriminatory, it should look not just at the act, but should make allowance for earlier acts which might throw more light on the act in question. The Tribunal should assess the totality of the evidence on any material … Continue reading Dr Anya v University of Oxford and Another: CA 22 Mar 2001

The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation v Carvel and Another: ChD 11 Jun 2007

The husband and wife had made mutual wills in the US with an express agreement not to make later alterations or dispositions without the agreement of the other or at all after the first death. The wife survived, but having lost the first will made a further one, and created a trust. The claimant now … Continue reading The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation v Carvel and Another: ChD 11 Jun 2007

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MIND intervening): HL 10 Dec 2008

The deceased had committed suicide on escaping from a mental hospital. The Trust appealed against a refusal to strike out the claim that that they had been negligent in having inadequate security. Held: The Trust’s appeal failed. The fact that she was detained for her own protection rather than to protect others required different standards … Continue reading Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MIND intervening): HL 10 Dec 2008

Taylor and Others v Director of The Serious Fraud Office and Others: HL 29 Oct 1998

The defendant had requested the Isle of Man authorities to investigate the part if any taken by the plaintiff in a major fraud. No charges were brought against the plaintiff, but the documents showing suspicion came to be disclosed in the later trial of others. The plaintiff sought damages in defamation. Held: The documents which … Continue reading Taylor and Others v Director of The Serious Fraud Office and Others: HL 29 Oct 1998

Dring v Cape Distribution Ltd and Another: QBD 5 Dec 2017

Disclosure of Documents filed at Court Constitution – Access To Courts – Open Justice – court files – court records – public scrutiny of courts – asbestos – mesothelioma – TDN13 – Technical Data Notice 13 – Cape – asbestolux – disclosure – document management systems – CPR 5.4C(2) – settlement – dispute resolution – … Continue reading Dring v Cape Distribution Ltd and Another: QBD 5 Dec 2017

Prebble v Television New Zealand Ltd: PC 27 Jun 1994

(New Zealand) The plaintiff, an MP, pursued a defamation case. The defendant wished to argue for the truth of what was said, and sought to base his argument on things said in Parliament. The plaintiff responded that this would be a breach of Parliamentary privilege. Held: A Defendant may not use libel proceedings to impugn … Continue reading Prebble v Television New Zealand Ltd: PC 27 Jun 1994

HM Solicitor General v Cox and Another: QBD 27 May 2016

Applications for committal of the defendants for having taken photographs of court proceedings when their friend was being sentenced for murder and publishing them on Facebook. The SG urged that the offences had aggravating features taking the matter beyond the offence under section 41 of the 1925 Act. Held: The appeal failed. The offence had … Continue reading HM Solicitor General v Cox and Another: QBD 27 May 2016

In re H and R (Minors) (Child Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof): HL 14 Dec 1995

Evidence allowed – Care Application after Abuse Children had made allegations of serious sexual abuse against their step-father. He was acquitted at trial, but the local authority went ahead with care proceedings. The parents appealed against a finding that a likely risk to the children had still been been found. Held: A care order could … Continue reading In re H and R (Minors) (Child Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof): HL 14 Dec 1995

Woolwich Equitable Building Society v Inland Revenue Commissioners (2): HL 20 Jul 1992

The society had set out to assert that regulations were unlawful in creating a double taxation. It paid money on account of the tax demanded. It won and recovered the sums paid, but the revenue refused to pay any interest accrued on the sums paid. The Society sought to challenge the decision by judicial review. … Continue reading Woolwich Equitable Building Society v Inland Revenue Commissioners (2): HL 20 Jul 1992

law index

Our law-index is a substantial selection from our database. Cases here are restricted in number by date and lack the additional facilities formerly available within lawindexpro. Please do enjoy this free version of the lawindex. Case law does not ‘belong’ to lawyers. Judgments are made up of words which can be read and understood (if … Continue reading law index