Whig v Whig: FD 23 Jul 2007

The court heard ancillary relief and bankruptcy proceedings together.
Held: Munby J refused to annul the husband’s bankruptcy.


Munby J


[2007] EWHC 1856 (Fam), [2008] 1 FLR 453




England and Wales

Cited by:

CitedBen Hashem v Ali Shayif and Another FD 22-Sep-2008
The court was asked to pierce the veil of incorporation of a company in the course of ancillary relief proceedings in a divorce. H had failed to co-operate with the court.
After a comprehensive review of all the authorities, Munby J said: ‘The . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Family, Insolvency

Updated: 07 December 2022; Ref: scu.260013