A vendor of a warehouse left in the cellars of a warehouse rubbish including bags of hardened cement which would be difficult to remove, and which affected the value of the property and precluded the proper use of the cellar. The buyer complained that he had not been given vacant possession as agreed under the contract.
Held: He had not been given vacant possession. Lord Greene MR said: ‘But it appears to us that what he bargains for is not merely the right in law, but the power in fact to exercise the right. When we speak of a physical impediment we do not mean that any physical impediment will do. It must be an impediment which substantially prevents or interferes with the enjoyment of the right of possession of a substantial part of the property.’
Lord Greene MR
[1946] KB 264, [1946] 1 All ER 284
England and Wales
Cited by:
Cited – Englewood Properties Limited v Patel and Another ChD 16-Feb-2005
The claimant was a property developer, which sought to sell a row of shops at auction. One lot was a Woolworths store, where the company owned both freehold and leasehold interests, with Woolworths occupying an underlease, which the claimant had . .
Cited – Area Estates Ltd v Weir CA 20-Jul-2010
The parties contracted for the sale and purchase of land with vacant possession. It was subject to a lease which the seller said had been surrendered, and it refused to accept any requisitions of objections. After exchange it appeared that the . .
Cited – Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd and Others SC 22-Oct-2014
The appellant challenged a sale and rent back transaction. He said that the proposed purchaser had misrepresented the transaction to them. The Court was asked s whether the home owners had interests whose priority was protected by virtue of section . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Contract, Land
Updated: 22 November 2022; Ref: scu.219174