Welby and Another v Casswell: QBD 28 Mar 1994

To inherit agricultural tenancy, the tenant applicant must derive all his income from agricultural activities. The term ‘principal source of income’ didn’t include overdraft or outside earnings.

Times 01-Apr-1994, Ind Summary 28-Mar-1994
Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 36
England and Wales
Appealed toWelby and Another v Casswell CA 14-Apr-1995
A farming tenant drew his income from farming despite living off his overdraft on a small return from farming activities.
Held: The court should adopt a purposive construction. The right to inherit an agricultural tenancy survived if he worked . .

Cited by:
Appeal fromWelby and Another v Casswell CA 14-Apr-1995
A farming tenant drew his income from farming despite living off his overdraft on a small return from farming activities.
Held: The court should adopt a purposive construction. The right to inherit an agricultural tenancy survived if he worked . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Agriculture, Landlord and Tenant

Updated: 20 January 2022; Ref: scu.90365