To inherit agricultural tenancy, the tenant applicant must derive all his income from agricultural activities. The term ‘principal source of income’ didn’t include overdraft or outside earnings.
Times 01-Apr-1994, Ind Summary 28-Mar-1994
Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 36
England and Wales
Appealed to – Welby and Another v Casswell CA 14-Apr-1995
A farming tenant drew his income from farming despite living off his overdraft on a small return from farming activities.
Held: The court should adopt a purposive construction. The right to inherit an agricultural tenancy survived if he worked . .
Cited by:
Appeal from – Welby and Another v Casswell CA 14-Apr-1995
A farming tenant drew his income from farming despite living off his overdraft on a small return from farming activities.
Held: The court should adopt a purposive construction. The right to inherit an agricultural tenancy survived if he worked . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Agriculture, Landlord and Tenant
Updated: 20 January 2022; Ref: scu.90365