Watt v Dignan and Others: CA 5 Oct 2017

The parties disputed the continued existence of rights to use a toilet. The servient owner sought to establish an estoppel.
Held: The appeal failed.


Gloster VP CA, Lewison LJJ


[2017] EWCA Civ 1390




England and Wales


CitedRoutestone Ltd v Minories Finance ChD 1996
A receiver’s management duties will ordinarily impose on him no general duty to exercise the power of sale, or to ‘work’ an estate by refurbishing it before sale. Speaking of the role of an expert witness ‘What really matters in most cases are the . .
CitedLester and Another v Woodgate and Another CA 9-Mar-2010
Sherwell was entitled to a right of way over land belonging to Mr Mees. Mr Mees carried out work to the route over which the right of way ran which made it unusable. The work that he carried out amounted to an actionable nuisance. Sherwell made no . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Land, Estoppel

Updated: 30 March 2022; Ref: scu.595819