Tunnel Refineries Ltd v Bryan Donkin Company Ltd, Alsthom SA, GEC Alsthom Electromechanique SA Imphy SA, Apv Services Ltd, Foundry Imphy Ltd v Recorder: TCC 8 May 1998

Economic loss. Component of machine defective because of negligence of suppliers breaks and wrecks rest of machine. Claim in tort by owner against suppliers for replacement cost of rest of machine and consequential loss of production fails. Rest of machine held not to be ‘other property’, so that recovery excluded. Murphy v. Brentwood DC [1991] 1 AC 398 (HL) applied. Preliminary issue on partly assumed and partly agreed facts decided in favour of defendant suppliers.


[1998] EWHC Technology 322



Construction, Damages

Updated: 13 June 2022; Ref: scu.201752