The Barnsley Canal Company v Twibell; 17 Nov 1843

References: [1843] EngR 1096, (1843) 7 Beav 19, (1843) 49 ER 969
Links: Commonlii
A canal company was authorised by, its Act, to purchase the coal, which the safety of the canal required to be left unworked. The purchase of part was delayed many years, and in the meantime a lease had been granted by the owner to a coal worker. The company purchased the interest of the owner. Held, that the coal worker was also entitled to compensation.
No equity can be founded on an allegation that a Court legally constituted is not properly competent to decide questions within its jurisrdiction; and where the legislature has given jurisdiction to a Court provided by the Act, and has made its decision final, if any inconvenience arises from the legal exercise of the jurisdiction, the Legislature alone can supply a remedy.