Tecniq’s Limited (Patent) O04214: IPO 24 Jan 2014

The invention concerned a vessel propulsion system in which propellers or water jets act to move the vessel through the water. The propellers or water jets are powered by electric motors which are energised from batteries within the vessel. These batteries are recharged by power generated from a series of turbines attached to the hull of the vessel, the turbines generating power from the flow of water created as the vessel moves through the water. The Hearing Officer considered whether the invention was capable of industrial application and concluded that it was not because the invention could not function in the manner described in the application. The application was refused under section 1(1)(c).


Mr A Bartlett


[2014] UKIntelP O04214




England and Wales

Intellectual Property

Updated: 08 July 2022; Ref: scu.523931