South Stoke Parish Council (Decision Notice): ICO 24 Nov 2005

On 26/3/05 the complainant requested information held by South Stoke Parish Council relating to the Fullers Earth Site, covering the period from 1/8/03 to the present day. The Council sent responses on 20/4/05, 1/6/05 and 4/6/05. In these responses, the Council did not confirm or deny whether the information specified in the request was held, communicate the information specified in the request or refuse to provide the information specified in the request for valid reasons as set out in the Act. Following the intervention of the Commissioner’s Office the Council communicated the information specified in the request on 25/10/05.
FOI 1: Upheld


[2005] UKICO FS50082228




England and Wales


Updated: 09 June 2022; Ref: scu.533314