Rosenberg v Percival; 5 Apr 2001

References: 205 CLR 434, 75 ALJR 734, [2001] HCA 18
Links: Austlii
Coram: Gleeson CJ, McHugh, Gummow, Kirby and Callinan JJ
Austlii High Court of Australia – Negligence – Breach of duty – Surgeon’s duty to warn of material risk in proposed surgery – Identification of the material risk – Meaning of material risk.
Negligence – Causation – Whether failure to warn of a material risk causative of plaintiff’s injury – Whether patient would not have undergone treatment if warned.
Appeal – Appeal by rehearing – Powers of appellate court – Decision dependent on credibility findings – Authority of appellate court to reach conclusions different from trial judge.
Evidence – Credibility of witnesses – Limits of appellate review in respect of findings of fact based on assessment of the credibility of a witness.
Gummow J said that courts should not be too quick to discard the possibility that a medical practitioner was or ought reasonably to have been aware that the particular patient, if warned of the risk, would be likely to attach significance to it, merely because it emerges that the patient did not ask certain kinds of questions.
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