Richard Thompson v Regina: CACD 26 Mar 2004

References: [2004] EWCA Crim 669, Times 16-Apr-2004
Links: Bailii
Coram: Lord Justice Thomas
The defendant had been convicted of offences of possessing a large number of indecent images of children.
Held: In such cases, the prosecution should frame the charges following the classification in R v Oliver, with a small number of representative charges out of each category with a comprehensive charge for the balance. The defence should be given adequate time and facilities to check the classifications. It should be clear whether it was alleged that any image was a true or a pseudo image. In this case, and allowing for the mitigation available, the sentence was too long.
Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 1988 160(1) 160(2A)
This case cites:

  • Cited – Regina -v- Oliver etc CACD (Times 06-Dec-02, [2002] EWCA Crim 2766, [2003] 2 Cr App R (S) 15, Bailii)
    The defendants appealed their sentences for possession and distribution of indecent images of children. The court gave detailed sentencing guidelines for the offences. Distinctions were made for the gradations of pornography, from erotic posing . .