Rex v Percy Dalton (London) Ltd: CCA 1949

Birkett J said: ‘Steps on the way to the commission of what would be a crime, if the acts were completed, may amount to attempts to commit that crime, to which, unless interrupted, they would have led ; but steps on the way to the doing of something, which is thereafter done, and which is no crime, cannot be regarded as attempts to commit a crime.’

Birkett J
[1949] 33 Cr App R 102 CCA
England and Wales
Cited by:
ApprovedHaughton v Smith, On Appeal From Regina v Smith (Roger) HL 21-Nov-1973
The defendant appealed against his conviction for attempting to handle stolen goods. They were to be delivered to him in a van, but the meat was intercepted and recovered by the police. The defendant argued that he should not be convicted of . .

Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 17 November 2021; Ref: scu.182833