We have always severely limited user involvement. We offered the alternative of swarblaw but, with that site gone, we need to add something of that functionality here.
We have a parallel site davidswarbrick.co.uk, which now hosts a user forum. We will register those interested there to talk about matters legal and otherwise.
Letting the strings slacken, even just a little, has demonstrated how quickly spammers can come knocking.
Send me an email at david@swarb.co.uk. Title it ‘Registration’ and answer in words the question ‘What is the square root of sixteen?’
Include at least:
1) your real name,
2) a user name and
3) an email address.
You will (not automatically) receive a confirmatory email receipt.
I promise not to bombard you with emails, or to pass your email address to anyone else, and that you can delete your registration at any time without question. Registration is free.
When registered, please do try to leave one or two posts. We nee to generate the activity
I will welcome suggestions about how this might move forward.
Again, and vitally, we do not give legal advice. I was a solicitor but retired now several years ago, and have not maintained my name on the Solicitors’ Roll. I am not now a solicitor in any capacity.
Please do join us.