(Glamorgan Assizes) The two daughters of parents who owned, but were away from, a house in South Wales had invited some friends in to smoke cannabis.
Held: The daughters could not in those circumstances properly be charged as occupiers of their parents’ home.
Nield J
(1976) 63 Crim App R 168
England and Wales
Cited by:
Cited – Read v Director of Public Prosecutions Admn 20-Jun-1997
The defendant appealed against his conviction for being an occupier of premises used for smoking cannabis. The Appellant lived at the premises together with his common law wife and children as a family. On the facts the magistrates found that the . .
Cited – Regina v Ben Nien Tao CACD 1976
Tao was an undergraduate at Cambridge who had occupied a room in a college hostel. He appealed a conviction for being an occupier of premises used for the smoking of cannabis.
Held: His conviction was upheld. Roskill LJ: ‘On those facts it . .
Cited – Campbell v Campbell CC 1982
(Kingston Crown Court) Two brothers, in their mother’s absence but with her permission, held an overnight party at her house. During the evening cannabis was smoked by their guests. The judge had applied Mogford. Judge Oddie: ‘To be ‘the occupier’ . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 06 July 2022; Ref: scu.241348