Gilliatt The parents of a child with profound and multiple learning difficulties provided evidence to the SENT from a psychologist that the child needed access to a 24 hour curriculum. There was also clear evidence that many of the family’s difficulties in caring for the child arose from their personal circumstances including inadequate housing and disability of a parent. The tribunal found that the school that the child was attending was providing for her special educational needs and upheld the LEA’s nomination of it provided that the LEA sought assistance from social services for the family under s. 322 of the EA 1996.
Held: The need for remedies to a family’s personal circumstances could not come into the category of special education provision, the SENT had ample justification for concluding that an adequate education was being provided and that their apparent conditional conclusion was merely a way of expressing their views to the LEA about the help that the family needed. It was not open to the tribunal to direct the LEA in this way.
Mr Justice Laws
[1998] EWHC Admin 96
Updated: 27 May 2022; Ref: scu.138217