Re D (A Child ; Deprivation of Liberty): FD 31 Mar 2015

The child, now 15 suffered several conditions which led to his challenging behaviour. He had been voluntarily admitted for assessment, and awaited placement in the community, but the Health trust now sought directions confirming the lawfulness of its actions.


Keehan J


[2015] EWHC 922 (Fam), [2015] 3 FCR 60, (2015) 144 BMLR 210, [2015] Fam Law 636, [2016] 1 FLR 142, [2015] COPLR 209




Mental Capacity Act 2005


England and Wales


CitedIn Re K (A Child) (Secure Accommodation Order: Right to Liberty) CA 29-Nov-2000
An order providing that a child should stay in secure accommodation, was an order which restricted the child’s liberty. A justification for such a restriction had to be brought within the exceptions listed in article 5.
Held: Detention for . .
See AlsoRe D (A Child ; Deprivation of Liberty) FD 31-Mar-2015
The child, now 15 suffered several conditions which led to his challenging behaviour. He had been voluntarily admitted for assessment, and awaited placement in the community, but the Health trust now sought directions confirming the lawfulness of . .

Cited by:

See AlsoRe D (A Child ; Deprivation of Liberty) FD 31-Mar-2015
The child, now 15 suffered several conditions which led to his challenging behaviour. He had been voluntarily admitted for assessment, and awaited placement in the community, but the Health trust now sought directions confirming the lawfulness of . .
CitedIn re D (A Child) SC 26-Sep-2019
D, a young adult had a mild learning disability and other more serious conditions. He was taken into a hospital providing mental health services. The external door was locked, and a declaration was sought to permit this deprivation of his liberty, . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Children, Health Professions, Torts – Other, Human Rights

Updated: 18 April 2022; Ref: scu.545014