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Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) FS50320656: ICO 1 Mar 2011

The complainant asked the Information Commissioner to provide information in relation to five companies and their entries in the Data Protection Public Register. The Information Commissioner provided the information held by the Information Commissioner’s Office and confirmed which parts of the requested information it did not hold. It upheld this response at internal review. The … Continue reading Information Commissioner (Decision Notice) FS50320656: ICO 1 Mar 2011

Metropolitan Police v Information Commissioner: IT 30 Mar 2009

Section 30(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000: matters of public interest in relation to lists of informants held by Appellant in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century – exceptional nature of public interest in preventing disclosure of informants’ names, past, present and future – redaction Citations: [2009] UKIT EA – 2008 – 0078 … Continue reading Metropolitan Police v Information Commissioner: IT 30 Mar 2009

Sugar v Information Commissioner: IT 14 May 2009

Citations: [2009] UKIT EA – 2005 – 0032 Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Citing: See Also – Sugar v Information Commissioner IT 29-Aug-2006 IT At this preliminary hearing the Tribunal finds that at the time of the request made by Mr Sugar to the BBC for a copy of the Balen Report … Continue reading Sugar v Information Commissioner: IT 14 May 2009

Calland v Information Commissioner and The Financial Services Authority: IT 8 Aug 2008

The claimant, being in a prolonged dispute with the Authority had requested copies (internal and external) of correspondence and other communications relating to him. The request was resisted on several grounds according to the nature of the documents involved. The issue now was as to the availability of legal professional privilege where the lawyer involved … Continue reading Calland v Information Commissioner and The Financial Services Authority: IT 8 Aug 2008

Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Exemption under FOIA s36(2)(c) – prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs – late claim – opinion of qualified person formed after time when request was dealth with – whether evidence of authorisation of qualified person pursuant to FOIA s36(5)(o) – Exemption under FOIA s43 – prejudice to commercial interests – meaning of ‘commercial … Continue reading Student Loans Company Ltd v Information Commissioner: IT 17 Jul 2009

Kennedy v Information Commissioner: IT 14 Jun 2009

The claimant sought release of documents placed with the Charity Commission in connection with investigations into a charity. Held: With certain exceptions, the applicaion failed: ‘once a public authority places documents it held prior to an inquiry into the custody of itself conducting a statutory inquiry then those documents would seem to us to be … Continue reading Kennedy v Information Commissioner: IT 14 Jun 2009

British Broadcasting Corporation v The Information Commissioner: Admn 2 Oct 2009

The BBC appealed against an order for it to disclose salaries of various of its employees and of payments to contractors, and of budgets for certain programmes. The issue was as to whether the information was held other than for the purposes of journalism. Judges: Irwin J Citations: [2009] EWHC 2348 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: … Continue reading British Broadcasting Corporation v The Information Commissioner: Admn 2 Oct 2009

Cubells v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 2 Aug 2013

Dismissed : Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Appeal dismissed Citations: [2013] UKFTT EA – 2012 – 0236 (GRC, EA/2014/0066 Links: Bailii, ICO Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: See Also – Cubells, Regina (on The Application of) v Independent Police Complaints Commission CA 15-Oct-2012 The claimant’s mother had died … Continue reading Cubells v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 2 Aug 2013

Woolley v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 25 Nov 2013

Citations: [2013] UKFTT EA – 2013 – 0125 (GRC Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Information Commissioner v Dransfield UTAA 28-Jan-2013 UTAA Tribunal procedure and practice (including UT) – statements of reasons – The public authority was entitled to rely on section 14(1) and to conclude … Continue reading Woolley v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 25 Nov 2013

Home Office and Another v The Information Commissioner: Admn 6 Jul 2009

The court considered an application for information under the Act about how the respondent had made its decisions on previous requests for information. Judges: Keith J Citations: [2009] EWHC 1611 (Admin) Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 Cited by: Cited – The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police v The Information Commissioner Admn … Continue reading Home Office and Another v The Information Commissioner: Admn 6 Jul 2009

Walters v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 23 Jan 2015

Whether the public authority complied with the Appellant’s request for information, pursuant to s.1(2) of FOIA or Reg. 5(1) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Held: The Tribunal concludes that the public authority complied with the Appellant’s request. It therefore dismisses the appeal. Citations: [2015] UKFTT 2014 – 0256 (GRC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of … Continue reading Walters v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 23 Jan 2015

Stephen v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 10 Oct 2013

FTTGc This case arises out of the publication by the Lancet in 1998 of the flawed paper by Andrew Wakefield et al which led to the MMR scare. The Legal Aid Board supported proceedings by parents against the pharmaceutical companies. In 2006 the statutory successor to the Board – the Legal Services Commission (LSC) provided … Continue reading Stephen v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 10 Oct 2013

Mercer v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 11 Jul 2014

Appeal against the Information Commissioner’s Decision FS50498344 dated 22nd October 2013 which concluded that the Ministry of Defence (MOD) had correctly applied s42(1) FOIA (legal professional privilege) to the disputed information. Held: The Appeal is refused Judges: Fiona Henderson (Judge) Citations: [2014] UKFTT 2013 – 0250 (GRC) Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 … Continue reading Mercer v Information Commissioner: FTTGRC 11 Jul 2014

Office of Communications, Regina (on the Application of) v Information Commissioner: Admn 8 Apr 2008

Appeal against order for disclosure of details of location, ownership and technical attributes of mobile phone cellular-based stations. Citations: [2008] EWHC 1445 (Admin), [2009] Env LR 1, [2008] ACD 65 Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 57 Cited by: Appeal from – Office of Communications v The Information Commissioner CA 20-Feb-2009 Grounds for … Continue reading Office of Communications, Regina (on the Application of) v Information Commissioner: Admn 8 Apr 2008