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Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

The appeal concerns the disclosure, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA’), of staff survey reports addressing very small units within the civil service. The requested reports relate to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (‘AAIB’), a unit within the Department for Transport (`the Appellant’ of `DfT’) and, within the AAIB, those pertaining to … Continue reading Department for Transport v The Information Commissioner and, Dr Minh Alexander: UTAA 10 May 2021

Benjamin, Vanderpool and Gumbs v The Minister of Information and Broadcasting and The Attorney General for Anguilla: PC 14 Feb 2001

PC (Anguilla) A first non-religious radio station had been formed, but came to include much criticism of the government. One programme was suspended by the government. The programme makers complained that this interfered with their constitutioinal and human rights to freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination. Held: The motive in closing … Continue reading Benjamin, Vanderpool and Gumbs v The Minister of Information and Broadcasting and The Attorney General for Anguilla: PC 14 Feb 2001

Central Office of Information (Decision Notice): ICO 15 Jun 2011

The complainant requested a list of all domain names from the Central Office of Information (COI). COI initially responded to the request by informing the complainant that it did not hold the requested information. During the Commissioner’s investigation COI confirmed that it did hold a subset of the domain names, which it used … Continue reading Central Office of Information (Decision Notice): ICO 15 Jun 2011

Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 10 Mar 2011

The complainant requested a copy of the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (ICO) Enforcement Referral Log. This was disclosed by the ICO with certain information redacted under section 31(1)(g) by virtue sections 31(2)(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). The redacted information comprised of live enforcement cases from 2007 where disclosure would … Continue reading Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 10 Mar 2011

Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Feb 2007

The complainant requested for access to all the documents held by the Information Commissioner’s Office in connection with its investigation of two Freedom of Information complaints. The ICO refused to disclose the requested information citing section 30 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. After a careful evaluation of the requested information, the information received … Continue reading Information Commissioner (Decision Notice): ICO 13 Feb 2007