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Colin R Hart, Paul J Joynt, Stork Townsend Inc Brent M Veldkamp, Jarrod A Grim and Robert T Seaberg (Patent): IPO 18 Aug 2009

IPO Colin R Hart and Paul J Joynt both filed uncontested applications under rule 10(2) of the Patents Rules 2007 to the effect that they should also have been named as joint inventors in the granted patent. The applications were consolidated. The comptroller found that Colin R Hart and Paul J Joynt should be mentioned … Continue reading Colin R Hart, Paul J Joynt, Stork Townsend Inc Brent M Veldkamp, Jarrod A Grim and Robert T Seaberg (Patent): IPO 18 Aug 2009

Nokia Corporation (Patent): IPO 24 Apr 2009

IPO The application is concerned with developing the functionality of a mobile phone, particularly the networking functionality (i.e. the network connections) of the phone. In the invention, software applications for mobile phones are developed by connecting a desktop PC to a mobile phone via a network connection. A software developer uses the desktop PC to … Continue reading Nokia Corporation (Patent): IPO 24 Apr 2009

The First Secretary of State and Another v Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd: CA 6 May 2005

Sedley LJ: ‘the interpretation of policy is not a matter for the Secretary of State, what a policy means is what it says. Except in the occasional case where a policy has been ambiguously or un-clearly expressed (see R v Derbyshire CCC, ex p Woods [1997] JPL 958), so that its maker has to amplify … Continue reading The First Secretary of State and Another v Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd: CA 6 May 2005

Brookes v South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and Another: CA 28 Apr 2005

Vibration tool injury. Citations: [2005] EWCA Civ 452 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Morris v West Hartlepool Steam Navigation HL 1956 The ship had followed a practice of leaving the between deck hatch covers off in the absence of a guard rail around the hatchway. The plaintiff seaman fell into the … Continue reading Brookes v South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and Another: CA 28 Apr 2005

ITSA v Commission (Order): ECJ 2 Apr 2020

(Information) Appeal – Article 181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court – Approximation of laws – Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products and related products – Establishment and operation of a system for the traceability of tobacco products – Delegated regulation and implementing acts – Action for annulment – Admissibility – Article … Continue reading ITSA v Commission (Order): ECJ 2 Apr 2020

Ms Penelope Mary Townsend Hugh David Niblock Hunter Boot Limited (Patent): IPO 24 Feb 2009

The patent relates to a sock for a boot, the sock having three defined parts: a lower foot portion, an upper portion for fitting snugly around the inside of the upper portion of the boot, and an outer portion for fitting snugly around the outside of the top of the boot. The proprietor of the … Continue reading Ms Penelope Mary Townsend Hugh David Niblock Hunter Boot Limited (Patent): IPO 24 Feb 2009

Regina v Evesham Justices, ex parte McDonnagh: QBD 1988

The court considered the existence of a power in the magistrates court to order a hearing to be held in camera and referred to section 11 of the 1981 Act. Watkins LJ said: ‘However, I am bound to say that I am impressed with the argument that the action taken by the justices in the … Continue reading Regina v Evesham Justices, ex parte McDonnagh: QBD 1988

Clydesdale Financial Services Limited (T/A Barclays Partner Finance), Regina (on The Application of) v: Admn 13 Jul 2022

Claimant’s application for permission to apply for judicial review of a decision of the Ombudsman made under section 228 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Judges: Mrs Justice Lang DBE Citations: [2022] EWHC 2438 (Admin) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Financial Services Updated: 21 October 2022; Ref: scu.681846

British Broadcasting Association (Other): ICO 24 Jun 2021

The complainant has requested the number of BBC TV and radio appearances of Alistair Campbell between 1 Jan 2018 and March 2021. The BBC explained the information was covered by the derogation and excluded from FOIA. The Commissioner’s decision is that this information was held by the BBC for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or … Continue reading British Broadcasting Association (Other): ICO 24 Jun 2021

Symbian Limited (Patent): IPO 24 Sep 2008

IPO The invention automated the purely conversational exchange of names between two people to establish mutual contacts by comparing lists of contact entries stored in devices such as mobile telephones and displaying to a user only those contacts determined to be common; neither user would therefore have access to all of the other’s contacts. The … Continue reading Symbian Limited (Patent): IPO 24 Sep 2008

Stuart Morrison and Seetru Limited (Patent): IPO 28 Aug 2007

In decision BL O/133/07 the hearing officer found the patent invalid for lack of novelty and inventive step. The Defendant was given two months to file amendments and both parties were given the same period to make submissions on costs. No amendments were submitted and the patent was revoked. The Claimant, as the successful party, … Continue reading Stuart Morrison and Seetru Limited (Patent): IPO 28 Aug 2007

Artbox (Stylised) Device (Trade Mark: Opposition): IPO 22 Aug 2007

IPO The opposition (which was solely in respect of the Class 16 goods) was based on use of the mark ARTBOX (in various formats). Having reviewed the evidence of use filed by the opponents the Hearing Officer ‘albeit with some hesitation’ came to the conclusion that it was not sufficient to establish the necessary goodwill … Continue reading Artbox (Stylised) Device (Trade Mark: Opposition): IPO 22 Aug 2007

O’Riordan v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 19 May 2005

An offender had absconded with a child and was to be prosecuted for sex offences against her. The police circulated all the journalists who had had contact to say that an identification of the defendant would also identify the girl. The defendant here, the editor of a magazine was not so informed. She published the … Continue reading O’Riordan v Director of Public Prosecutions: Admn 19 May 2005

Faux Properties (A Partnership) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Penalties : Misdeclaration): FTTTx 20 Mar 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – Penalty for an inaccurate return – Schedule 24 Finance Act 2007 – Whether inaccuracy deliberate? – No – Whether inaccuracy careless? – Yes – Whether there should be any further discount for disclosure? – No – Appeal allowed in part Citations: [2019] UKFTT 203 (TC) Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales … Continue reading Faux Properties (A Partnership) v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Penalties : Misdeclaration): FTTTx 20 Mar 2019

Dvorski v Croatia: ECHR 20 Oct 2015

Grand Chamber: ‘As the Court has already held in its previous judgments, the right set out in article 6.3(c) of the Convention is one element, among others, of the concept of a fair trial in criminal proceedings contained in article 6.1 (see Imbrioscia v Switzerland (1994) 17 EHRR 441, 24 November 1993, paras 36 and … Continue reading Dvorski v Croatia: ECHR 20 Oct 2015

Student Loans Company Ltd (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Dec 2009

The complainant made a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to the Student Loans Company. The request was for a number of documents listed (a) to (l). The Company has now provided all of the documents to the complainant in electronic format apart from document (d). A number of redactions were made under … Continue reading Student Loans Company Ltd (Decision Notice): ICO 14 Dec 2009

Ian Popeck v Runaway Technology, Inc (Patent): IPO 24 May 2007

The hearing officer had deferred a decision on whether to order the claimant to give security for costs in revocation proceedings (see O/345/06) in order to allow either party to request a written opinion. The claimant so requested and the proceedings were stayed to await the opinion. This found that all claims lacked novelty over … Continue reading Ian Popeck v Runaway Technology, Inc (Patent): IPO 24 May 2007

The Dental Practice Device of A Crocodile (Trade Mark: Opposition): IPO 24 May 2007

IPO Section 5(2)(b): Opposition failed. Section 5(3): Opposition failed. Section 5(4)(a): Opposition failed. Section 56: Opposition failed The opponent appealed the Section 5(2)(b) ground to the Appointed Person. In her decision dated 12 December 2004 (BL O/361/07) the Appointed Person upheld the Hearing Officer’s decision and dismissed the appeal. The opponent owns a number of … Continue reading The Dental Practice Device of A Crocodile (Trade Mark: Opposition): IPO 24 May 2007

John Connor Press Associates Ltd v The Information Commissioner: IT 24 Jan 2006

Citations: [2006] UKIT EA – 2006 – 0005 Links: Bailii Statutes: Freedom of Information Act 2000 43(2) Jurisdiction: England and Wales Citing: Cited – Lord, Regina (on the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department Admn 1-Sep-2003 The claimant was a category A prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment for murder. … Continue reading John Connor Press Associates Ltd v The Information Commissioner: IT 24 Jan 2006

Krotov v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 11 Feb 2004

Judges: Lord Justice Potter Lord Justice Rix Lord Justice Carnwath Citations: [2004] EWCA Civ 69, [2004] 1 WLR 1825 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: Cited – Khan v Royal Air Force Summary Appeal Court Admn 7-Oct-2004 The defendant claimed that he had gone absent without leave from the RAF as a conscientous … Continue reading Krotov v Secretary of State for the Home Department: CA 11 Feb 2004

Commission v France (Rec 1993,p I-2289) (Judgment): ECJ 5 May 1993

Directive 76/768 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products has provided exhaustively for the harmonization of national rules on the packaging and labelling of the products at issue. A Member State fails to fulfil its obligations under Directive 76/768, therefore, where its legislation exceeds the limits of the … Continue reading Commission v France (Rec 1993,p I-2289) (Judgment): ECJ 5 May 1993

MCO (IP) v EUIPO – C8 (C2) (EU Trade Mark – Judgment): ECFI 12 Oct 2022

EU trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for EU figurative mark C2 – Earlier national figurative mark C8 – Relative ground for refusal – Likelihood of confusion – Interdependence of factors – Article 8(1), under b), of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 – Obligation to state reasons Citations: T-461/21, [2022] EUECJ T-461/21, ECLI:EU:T:2022:624 Links: Bailii Jurisdiction: … Continue reading MCO (IP) v EUIPO – C8 (C2) (EU Trade Mark – Judgment): ECFI 12 Oct 2022

West Yorkshire Police (Decision Notice): ICO 7 Jun 2011

The complainant requested a briefing note prepared by West Yorkshire Police for the public authority concerning issues relating to police pensions and injury awards. The public authority disclosed the majority of this briefing note, but redacted some content, citing the exemptions provided by the following sections of the Act: 36(2)(b)(i) (inhibition to the free and … Continue reading West Yorkshire Police (Decision Notice): ICO 7 Jun 2011

Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran: ICJ 24 May 1980

The International Court of Justice said that ‘wrongfully to deprive human beings of their freedom and to subject them to physical constraint in conditions of hardship is in itself manifestly incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.’ Citations: General List, No 64 Cited by: Cited – Al-Jedda v Secretary of State … Continue reading Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran: ICJ 24 May 1980

Altun v Turkey: ECHR 24 May 2005

ECHR Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) – Violation of Art. 5-3; Violation of Art. 6-1; Inadmissible under Art. 5-3 (in respect of one period); Non-pecuniary damage – financial award; Costs and expenses award. Citations: 73038/01, [2005] ECHR 314 Links: Worldlii, Bailii Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 17 October 2022; Ref: scu.227391

Martinez Vidal v Gemeenschappelijke Medische Dienst: ECJ 27 Jun 1991

Social security for migrant workers – Invalidity insurance – Person in receipt of benefits residing in a Member State other than the competent State – Medical examinations – Requirement that the recipient travel to the territory of the competent Member State at the request of the institution responsible for payment – Conditions – Journey not … Continue reading Martinez Vidal v Gemeenschappelijke Medische Dienst: ECJ 27 Jun 1991

Israilovy And Others v Russia: ECHR 24 Sep 2019

ECHR Judgment : Article 2 – Right to life : Third Section Committee ECHR Judgment : Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage – award : Third Section Committee Citations: 34909/12, [2019] ECHR 635, [2020] ECHR 566 Links: Bailii, Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 16 October 2022; Ref: scu.646536

Computational Structural Mechanics Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Input Tax : Other): FTTTx 8 Mar 2019

VALUE ADDED TAX – Input Tax – invoice from an associated business to another business – same owner and sole director – whether a supply and a continuous supply – yes- amounts incurred in connection with a residential property – whether de minimus reclaim allowable – yes. Value Added Tax Act 1994, sections 24, 25, … Continue reading Computational Structural Mechanics Ltd v Revenue and Customs (VAT – Input Tax : Other): FTTTx 8 Mar 2019

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-245-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Trade Marks – Ex Parte Decisions Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 715825, [2003] UKIntelP o24503, O-245-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-245-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-252-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr R A Jones Citations: 715984, [2003] UKIntelP o25203, O-252-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . Cited by: See Also – Word Device (Our Ice … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-252-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-250-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 715830, [2003] UKIntelP o25003, O-250-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-250-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-248-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 715829, [2003] UKIntelP o24803, O-248-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-248-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-246-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 715827, [2003] UKIntelP o24603, O-246-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-246-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-244-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 715824, [2003] UKIntelP o24403, O-244-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-244-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-255-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr R A Jones Citations: 715851, [2003] UKIntelP o25503, O-255-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-255-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-249-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 716398, [2003] UKIntelP o24903, O-249-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-249-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-247-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: O-247-03, 715828, [2003] UKIntelP o24703 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-247-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-251-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr I Peggie Citations: 716400, [2003] UKIntelP o25103, O-251-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-251-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-253-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr R A Jones Citations: 715852, [2003] UKIntelP o25303, O-253-03 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Citing: See Also – Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . . See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-253-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

IPO Ex Parte. Judges: Mr R A Jones Citations: O-254-03, 715985, [2003] UKIntelP o25403 Links: IPO, Bailii Statutes: Trade Marks Act 1994 Jurisdiction: England and Wales Cited by: See Also – Word Device (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-252-03) IPO 20-Aug-2003 IPO Ex Parte. . .See Also – Word Device … Continue reading Device Only (Our Ice Cream of The Year) (Trade Mark: Ex Parte) (O-254-03): IPO 20 Aug 2003

Accenture Global Services v OHMI – Silver Creek Properties (Acsensa) (Intellectual Property): ECFI 7 Oct 2010

ECFI Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for Community figurative mark acsensa – Earlier Community and national word and figurative marks ACCENTURE and accenture – Relative ground for refusal – No likelihood of confusion – No similarity of signs – Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 (now Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) … Continue reading Accenture Global Services v OHMI – Silver Creek Properties (Acsensa) (Intellectual Property): ECFI 7 Oct 2010

Treguet v Russia: ECHR 20 Sep 2022

ECHR Judgment : No Article 6 – Right to a fair trial : Third Section Citations: 45580/15, [2022] ECHR 724 Links: Bailii Statutes: European Convention on Human Rights Jurisdiction: Human Rights Human Rights Updated: 16 October 2022; Ref: scu.681181