The court was asked whether an English court can recognise and enforce an order of the court of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Held: Judgements of the courts of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were not enforceable in England. The Republic was not recognised either by the UK or by any other country save Turkey. Jack J said: ‘Just as the respondent could not rely on acquia against his own government . . He could not rely on the acquis against the appellants to enforce his judgment against them.’
Jack J
[2006] EWHC 2226 (QB), Times 22-Sep-2006, [2007] 1 WLR 241, [2007] 1 All ER (Comm) 1
Treaty of Accession to the European Union 2003 1, Council Regulation (EC) 44/2001 of December 22, 2000, on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
England and Wales
Cited by:
At High Court – Apostolides v Orams and Orams (Area Of Freedom, Security and Justice) ECJ 18-Dec-2008
Europa Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 Jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters – Application of the regulation to a judgment concerning land situated in an area of . .
Appeal From – Apostolides v Orams and Others CA 19-Jan-2010
The claimant had obtained an order in the Nicosia in the Republic of Cyprus and sought to enforce it in the UK court. The High court declined, and it was referred to the ECJ which in turn found that it could be registered. The defendant now . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.
Updated: 15 July 2022; Ref: scu.245095