Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (Decision Notice): ICO 3 Jan 2013

The complainant requested information from Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council relating to the number of people charged in police station custody areas by the council during the years 2003 until 2011. The council said that some information was not held. Regarding the information that was held, the council said that it could not be provided without exceeding the costs limit under section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council correctly relied on section 12(1). It breached section 16(1) by failing to offer reasonable advice and assistance. The Commissioner does not require any steps to be taken because the council has now provided reasonable advice and assistance.
Section of Act/EIR and Finding: FOI 12 – Complaint Not upheld, FOI 16 – Complaint Upheld


[2013] UKICO FS50442780




England and Wales


Updated: 13 June 2022; Ref: scu.527868