Nuutinen v Finland: ECHR 27 Jun 2000

Hudoc Judgment (Merits and just satisfaction) Violation of Art. 6-1; No violation of Art. 8; Not necessary to examine other complaint under Art. 8; Non-pecuniary damage – financial award; Costs and expenses partial award – Convention proceedings


32842/96, (2000) 34 EHRR 358, [2000] ECHR 354, [2000] ECHR 355


Worldlii, Bailii


Human Rights

Cited by:

MentionedF v M FD 1-Apr-2004
The court considered the ‘ongoing debate’ about the court’s role in contact disputes. ‘this case illustrates all too uncomfortably the failings of the system. There is much wrong with our system and the time has come for us to recognise that fact . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.

Human Rights, Children

Updated: 06 August 2022; Ref: scu.165896