Norbrook Laboratories v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: ECJ 2 Apr 1998

ECJ Directives 81/851/EEC and 81/852/EEC – Veterinary medicinal products – Marketing authorisation


C. Gulmann, P


[1998] ECR I-1531, [1998] EUECJ C-127/95




Directive 81/852/EEC, Directives81/851/EEC




reference fromNorbrook Laboratories (Gb) Limited v Health and Safety Executive Admn 3-Feb-1998
Justices who were considering making use of their own local knowledge in making a decision must allow both representatives to know of this intention and to comment. . .

Cited by:

Referred toNorbrook Laboratories (Gb) Limited v Health and Safety Executive Admn 3-Feb-1998
Justices who were considering making use of their own local knowledge in making a decision must allow both representatives to know of this intention and to comment. . .
CitedMatra Communication SAS v Home Office CA 25-Feb-1999
In the absence of comparable situations, a member state is entitled to choose the time limits within which a public service contract is to be challenged, provided only that it did not make it impossible to challenge and there was no prejudice . .
CitedNuclear Decommissioning Authority v Energysolutions EU Ltd (Now Called ATK Energy EU Ltd) SC 11-Apr-2017
This is an appeal on preliminary points of European Union and domestic law regarding the circumstances in which damages may be recoverable for failure to comply with the requirements of the Public Procurement Directive (Parliament and Council . .
Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete.


Updated: 25 July 2022; Ref: scu.161571