Ms Penelope Mary Townsend Hugh David Niblock Hunter Boot Limited (Patent): IPO 24 Feb 2009

The patent relates to a sock for a boot, the sock having three defined parts: a lower foot portion, an upper portion for fitting snugly around the inside of the upper portion of the boot, and an outer portion for fitting snugly around the outside of the top of the boot. The proprietor of the patent has applied for a review under section 74B of the Patents act of opinion 01/08; that opinion had concluded that a proposed design of sock did not infringe the patent. The proprietor challenged the examiner’s interpretation of claim 1 and the specification, both the approach and conclusion under purposive construction.
The hearing officer found that the opinion examiner had followed the appropriate law in interpreting claim 1 and the specification and that the conclusion in the opinion was a reasonable one.


[2009] UKIntelP o05509




England and Wales

Intellectual Property

Updated: 21 October 2022; Ref: scu.457281