Monfared v Spire Health Care Ltd: EAT 16 Nov 2018

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (‘the EAT’) dismissed an appeal against a detailed assessment of costs by the Employment Tribunal (‘the ET’). The EAT held that, in the light of the express dispute on that assessment, the ET had not erred in law in its approach and had given adequate reasons for its decision. The EAT decided that, having regard to the terms of the Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure 2013, and the order for the detailed assessment made by the ET in an earlier decision in the proceedings, the ET was required, on the detailed assessment, to assess the costs of proceedings including the costs of the detailed assessment, and that the ET had rightly rejected, and had given sufficient reasons for rejecting, the contention of the Claimant in the ET that the ET should have adopted some other approach to the assessment.


[2018] UKEAT 0131 – 18 – 1611




Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure 2013


England and Wales

Employment, Costs

Updated: 17 July 2022; Ref: scu.630736