References: [1913] HCA 50, (1913) 17 CLR 90
Links: Austlii
Coram: Barton ACJ, Isaacs, Powers and Rich JJ
Ratio (High Court of Australia) The Court considered a decision of the committee of the Victoria Racing Club. Isaac J said of objections considered by the committee: ‘They are, by reason of the committee’s decision, res judicatae, as much as if instead of the committee it had been the Supreme Court unappealed from, that has so held. That rests on the well known rule that a competent court or other tribunal has jurisdiction to give a wrong judgment, and if there is no appeal in the strict sense, then its decision, whether right or wrong, must stand, and cannot be questioned in any subsequent proceedings elsewhere.’
This case is cited by:
- Cited – Coke-Wallis, Regina (on The Application of) -v- Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales SC (Bailii, [2011] UKSC 2, Bailii Summ, UKSC 2009/0175, SC Summary, SC, [2011] ICR 224, [2011] 2 All ER 1, [2011] 2 AC 146, [2011] 2 WLR 103)
The appellant chartered accountant had been convicted in Jersey after removing documents from his offices relating to a disputed trust and in breach of an order from his professional institute. The court now considered the relevance and application . .
(This list may be incomplete)
Last Update: 16-May-16
Ref: 428358