Lyon v Baker: 30 Jun 1852

In a suit by a trustee against his co-trustee, a solicitor, and the parties beneficially interested under a will, some of them being infants, the costs of all parties had been ordered to be taxed and paid. It appeared that the Defendant trustee, the solicitor, had conducted his defence by his partner. The Taxing Master allowed the solicitor trustee costs out of pocket only. Held, that the rule which had allowed to solicitor trustees costs out of pocket only being well established, the Court would not, with reference to the question of costs, inquire whether the conduct of the suit by the partner of the solicitor trustee was beneficial for all parties, though no party objected to such inquiry, but that all costs beyond those out of pocket must be disallowed.


Sir James Parker VC


[1852] EngR 796 (A), (1852) 5 De G and Sm 622



Trusts, Legal Professions, Costs

Updated: 02 May 2022; Ref: scu.295919