London Borough of Hackney v Sivanandan and Others: CA 29 Jan 2013

The council having been found to have unlawfully discrimited against the respondent, now appealed against the damages award: ‘The core question is whether, in its assessment of compensation, the Employment Tribunal (ET) acted on a fundamentally flawed view of the juristic nature of the Council’s vicarious liability for acts of discrimination committed by its employee and the legal consequences flowing from that liability.’ In particular it disputed the proportion of the damages awarded against it for an act committed by an employee.

Mummery, Rimer, Pitchford LJJ
[2013] EWCA Civ 22, [2013] WLR(D) 34, [2013] IRLR 408, [2013] Eq LR 249
Bailii, WLRD
England and Wales

Employment, Discrimination, Damages, Vicarious Liability

Updated: 01 November 2021; Ref: scu.470619